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        <meta charset="utf-8">
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            html, body {
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            html, body, #main {
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            .controller label {
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            .controller .mode-body {
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            .controller .query {
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            .controller .query #query-input {
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        <div class="controller">
            <div class="mode-title">示例模式<br>(Mode)</div>
            <div class="mode-body">
                <input type="radio" id="area-meaning-0" name="area-meaning" onclick="areaMeasureChange(0);" checked="checked"/>
                <label for="area-meaning-0">面积代表“2012年预算额” (Area represents '2012 Amount)</label><br>
                <input type="radio" id="area-meaning-2" name="area-meaning" onclick="areaMeasureChange(2);"/>
                <label for="area-meaning-2">面积代表“2012年预算额”,明暗代表“2011年相比的增长率”<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (Area represents '2012 Amount' and color-alpha represents 'Change from 2011')</label><br>
                <input type="radio" id="area-meaning-1" name="area-meaning" onclick="areaMeasureChange(1);"/>
                <label for="area-meaning-1">面积代表“2011年预算额” (Area represents '2011 Amount')</label>
            <div class="query">
                <input id="query-input" type="text" placeholder="请输入节点名 (Please node name)" onkeypress="if (event.keyCode === 13) { query(); return false; }"/>
                <input type="button" class="query-btn" value="检索节点(query)" onclick="query();" />
        <div id="main"></div>

        <script src="data/obama_budget_proposal_2012.tree.js"></script>


            var chart;
            var formatUtil;

            var SERIES_NAME = 'Obama’s 2012 Budget Proposal: How $3.7 Trillion is Spent';

            ], init);

            function areaMeasureChange(mode) {
                    tooltip: {
                        formatter: getTooltipFormatter(mode)
                    series: [{
                        visualDimension: mode === 2 ? 2 : null,
                        data: buildData(mode, window.obama_budget_2012),
                        levels: getLevelOption(mode)

            function query() {
                var nodeName = document.getElementById('query-input').value;
                // 先找精确匹配的
                var nodeIdList = findNodeId(nodeName, window.obama_budget_2012);
                // 再找模糊匹配的
                if (!nodeIdList.length) {
                    nodeIdList = findNodeId(nodeName, window.obama_budget_2012, true);

                if (nodeIdList.length) {
                    // FIXME
                    // 接口?
                        type: 'treemapZoomToNode',
                        seriesName: SERIES_NAME,
                        // 这个示例中简单处理,只聚焦到找到的第一个节点上。
                        targetNodeId: nodeIdList[0]
                else {
                    alert('没有找到节点 (No result)');

            function findNodeId(nodeName, originList, fuzzy) {
                var out = [];
                nodeName = nodeName.toLowerCase();

                for (var i = 0, len = originList.length; i < len; i++) {
                    var node = originList[i];
                    if (node.name
                        && (
                            ? node.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(nodeName) === 0
                            : node.name.toLowerCase() === nodeName
                    ) {
                    if (node.children) {
                        out.push.apply(out, findNodeId(nodeName, node.children, fuzzy));

                return out;

            function buildData(mode, originList) {
                var out = [];

                for (var i = 0; i < originList.length; i++) {
                    var node = originList[i];
                    var newNode = out[i] = cloneNodeInfo(node);
                    var value = newNode.value;

                    if (!newNode) {

                    // Calculate amount per household.
                    value[3] = value[0] / window.household_america_2012;

                    // if mode === 0 and mode === 2 do nothing
                    if (mode === 1) {
                        // Set 'Change from 2010' to value[0].
                        var tmp = value[1];
                        value[1] = value[0];
                        value[0] = tmp;

                    if (node.children) {
                        newNode.children = buildData(mode, node.children);

                return out;

            function cloneNodeInfo(node) {
                if (!node) {

                var newNode = {};
                newNode.name = node.name;
                newNode.id = node.id;
                newNode.discretion = node.discretion;
                newNode.value = (node.value || []).slice();
                return newNode;

            function getLevelOption(mode) {
                return [
                        color: mode === 2
                            ? [
                                '#5793f3', '#d14a61', '#fd9c35',
                                '#675bba', '#fec42c', '#dd4444',
                                '#d4df5a', '#cd4870'
                            : null,
                        colorMappingBy: 'id',
                        itemStyle: {
                            normal: {
                                borderWidth: 3,
                                gapWidth: 3
                        colorAlpha: mode === 2
                            ? [0.5, 1] : null,
                        itemStyle: {
                            normal: {
                                gapWidth: 1

            function isValidNumber(num) {
                return num != null && isFinite(num);

            function getTooltipFormatter(mode) {
                var amountIndex = mode === 1 ? 1 : 0;
                var amountIndex2011 = mode === 1 ? 0 : 1;

                return function (info) {
                    var value = info.value;

                    var amount = value[amountIndex];
                    amount = isValidNumber(amount)
                        ? formatUtil.addCommas(amount * 1000) + '$'
                        : '-';

                    var amount2011 = value[amountIndex2011];
                    amount2011 = isValidNumber(amount2011)
                        ? formatUtil.addCommas(amount2011 * 1000) + '$'
                        : '-';

                    var perHousehold = value[3];
                    perHousehold = isValidNumber(perHousehold)
                        ? formatUtil.addCommas((+perHousehold.toFixed(4)) * 1000) + '$'
                        : '-';

                    var change = value[2];
                    change = isValidNumber(change)
                        ? change.toFixed(2) + '%'
                        : '-';

                    return [
                        '<div class="tooltip-title">' + formatUtil.encodeHTML(info.name) + '</div>',
                        '2012 Amount: &nbsp;&nbsp;' + amount + '<br>',
                        'Per Household: &nbsp;&nbsp;' + perHousehold + '<br>',
                        '2011 Amount: &nbsp;&nbsp;' + amount2011 + '<br>',
                        'Change From 2011: &nbsp;&nbsp;' + change

            function init(echarts, format) {

                formatUtil = format;

                chart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('main'), null, {
                    renderer: 'canvas'


                    legend: {
                        data: [SERIES_NAME]

                    tooltip: {
                        formatter: getTooltipFormatter(0)

                    series: [
                            name: SERIES_NAME,
                            type: 'treemap',
                            label: {
                                show: true,
                                formatter: "{b}",
                                normal: {
                                    textStyle: {
                                        ellipsis: true
                            itemStyle: {
                                normal: {
                                    borderColor: 'black'
                            levels: getLevelOption(0),
                            data: buildData('2012 Amount', window.obama_budget_2012)
