#!/usr/bin/python -t
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# This file is part of urlgrabber, a high-level cross-protocol url-grabber
# Copyright 2002-2006 Michael D. Stenner, Ryan Tomayko
urlgrabber - a simple client for the urlgrabber python package
This is a thin client for the urlgrabber python package. It is
provided mainly for helping debug the python package. It provides
low-level access to most urlgrabber features from the shell.
There are two types of options available for this program. They are
'client options' and 'module options'. Client options apply
specifically to the behavior of this client, whereas module options
are built-in options to the urlgrabber module. Both of these are
avaible from the client command line, but they're documented a
little differently. Client options are documented here, and module
options are documented through the '--help <option>' syntax.
-h, --help
In its short form, (-h) this provides a short usage discription.
In its long form, it processes the remaining command line as help
topics. Legal topics are:
doc this info
options a list of module options
<option(s)> documentation for a given module option
all documentation for all module options
urlgrabber --help options
urlgrabber --help copy_local
By default, downloaded data will be written to a file named using
the basename of the url. For example,
'http://foo.com/index.html' will be written to 'index.html'. You
can override this for your convenience or when necessary for urls
like 'http://foo.com/'
Print the local name of each downloaded file to STDOUT. This is
helpful when not using the '-o' option, but is particularly
useful when using --copy_local=0 (the default) on local files
because local files will not be copied and the output filename
will not be the same as that provided with '-o'.
Grab each url N times. This is mostly for debugging keepalive.
-p, --progress
Use the default text-based progress meter.
-v, --verbose=N
Increment the verbosity level with each use of '-v' or set it
directly with --verbose=N. Currently, distinct levels are 0-2.
The default is 0.
-d SPEC, --debug=SPEC
Turn on internal urlgrabber debugging. This is equivalent (but
overrides) running with the environment variable:
SPEC can be of the form LEVEL,FILENAME, where
LEVEL can be string (DEBUG, WARN, etc) or number.
FILENAME can be the name of a file or "-" for STDOUT. The
default is STDERR. Example: -d1,- logs everything to STDOUT.
Note: this only works for python > 2.3 because it requires the
logging package.
A convenience alias for: --verbose=3 --progress --debug=INFO,-
Profile the actual fetching and print the results.
MAINHELP = """usage: urlgrabber [options] <url>
urlgrabber - a simple client for the urlgrabber python package
-h, --help print this message
--help doc print basic intro and documentation
--help options list available options to the grabber module
--help <option> print documentation for a module option
--help all print documentation for all module options
--<option>=VAL specify a module option. VAL must be a python value,
including quotes in the case of strings.
e.g. --user_agent='"foobar/2.0"'
--output FILE
-o FILE write output to FILE, otherwise the basename of the
url will be used
-O print the names of saved files to STDOUT
--repeat=N grab each URL N times (mostly for debugging keepalive)
-p, --progress use the default text progress meter
-v increment the verbosity level (defaults to 0)
--verbose=N set the verbosity level to N
-d SPEC, --debug=SPEC
turn on urlgrabber module debugging with
SPEC=LEVEL,FILENAME. e.g. -d 1,debug.txt
-D a convenience option equivalent to:
--verbose=3 --progress --debug=INFO,-
--profile profile the actual fetching and print the results
# $Id: urlgrabber,v 1.7 2006/12/08 00:14:16 mstenner Exp $
import sys
import getopt
import re
import urlgrabber.grabber
from urlgrabber.grabber import URLGrabber, URLGrabberOptions, URLGrabError
class client_options:
def __init__(self):
self.ug_options, self.ug_defaults = self.get_ug_options()
def get_ug_options(self):
ugo = URLGrabberOptions()
ug_options = ['copy_local', 'keepalive', 'prefix', 'reget',
'data', 'quote', 'throttle', 'bandwidth',
'proxies', 'retry', 'retrycodes',
'range', 'user_agent',
'http_headers', 'ftp_headers',
'ssl_ca_cert', 'ssl_context',
'text', 'close_connection',
options_exclude = ['delegate', 'interrupt_callback',
'failure_callback', 'urlparser', 'opener',
'checkfunc', 'progress_obj']
for k in ugo.__dict__.keys():
if (k not in ug_options) and (k not in options_exclude):
#print k
ug_defaults = {}
for k in list(ug_options):
ug_defaults[k] = repr(getattr(ugo, k))
except AttributeError:
return ug_options, ug_defaults
def process_command_line(self):
short_options = 'vd:ho:OpD'
long_options = ['profile', 'repeat=', 'verbose=',
'debug=', 'help', 'progress', 'output=']
ug_long = [ o + '=' for o in self.ug_options ]
optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], short_options,
long_options + ug_long)
except getopt.GetoptError, e:
print >>sys.stderr, "Error:", e
self.help([], ret=1)
self.verbose = 0
self.debug = None
self.outputfile = None
self.localfile = 0
self.repeat = 1
self.progress = 0
self.profile = 0
self.ugops = {}
self.args = args
ug_dash = [ '--' + o for o in self.ug_options ]
if not args: self.help(args)
for (o, v) in optlist:
if o == '--help' or o == '-h': self.help(args)
if o == '--verbose': self.verbose = v
if o == '-v': self.verbose += 1
if o == '-o': self.outputfile = v
if o == '--output': self.outputfile = v
if o == '-p' or o == '--progress': self.progress = 1
if o == '-d' or o == '--debug': self.debug = v
if o == '--profile': self.profile = 1
if o == '-O': self.localfile = 1
if o == '--repeat':
self.repeat = int(v)
if self.repeat < 1: raise ValueError()
except ValueError:
print 'ERROR: repeat value must be an int >= 1'
if o == '-D':
self.verbose = 3
self.debug = "INFO,-"
self.progress = 1
if o in ug_dash:
val = eval(v)
except Exception, e:
print "error processing option value: %s" % v
print e
self.ugops[o[2:]] = val
if len(self.args) > 1 and self.outputfile is not None:
print "ERROR: cannot use -o when grabbing multiple files"
def help(self, args, ret=0):
if not args:
for a in args:
m = getattr(self, 'help_'+a, None)
if m is not None:
elif a in self.ug_options:
print 'ERROR: no help on command "%s"' % a
def help_doc(self):
print __doc__
def help_options(self):
width = max(map(len, self.ug_options))
format = ' %-' + str(width) + 's = %s'
hformat = ' %-' + str(width) + 's %s'
print hformat % ('OPTION', 'DEFAULT')
print '-'*(width + 20)
for k in self.ug_options:
print format % (k, self.ug_defaults[k])
def help_all(self):
for k in self.ug_options:
def help_ug_option(self, option):
help = ''
m = re.search(r'^( '+option+'.*?)\s*^ {,2}\S',
urlgrabber.grabber.__doc__, re.M|re.S)
if m:
print m.group(1)
print ' %s: no help found for this option' % option
print ''
class ugclient:
def __init__(self):
op = client_options()
self.op = op
if op.verbose >= 2 and op.ugops:
print "Module Options:"
width = max(map(len, op.ugops.keys()))
format = " %-" + str(width) + "s = %s"
for k, v in op.ugops.items():
print format % (k, repr(v))
if op.debug:
if hasattr(urlgrabber.grabber, '_log_package_state'):
kwargs = dict(op.ugops)
if op.progress:
from urlgrabber.progress import text_progress_meter
kwargs['progress_obj'] = text_progress_meter()
self.g = URLGrabber(**kwargs)
def run(self):
for url in self.op.args:
if self.op.verbose: print 'grabbing: %s' % url
for i in range(0, self.op.repeat):
f = self.g.urlgrab(url, self.op.outputfile)
if self.op.localfile: print f
except URLGrabError, e:
print e
def set_debug_logger(self, dbspec):
dbinfo = dbspec.split(',')
import logging
level = logging._levelNames.get(dbinfo[0], None)
if level is None: level = int(dbinfo[0])
if level < 1: raise ValueError()
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(message)s')
if len(dbinfo) > 1: filename = dbinfo[1]
else: filename = ''
if filename == '': handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)
elif filename == '-': handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
else: handler = logging.FileHandler(filename)
DBOBJ = logging.getLogger('urlgrabber')
except (KeyError, ImportError, ValueError):
DBOBJ = None
if __name__ == '__main__':
ugc = ugclient()
if ugc.op.profile:
import profile
import pstats
prof = profile.Profile()