# ifdown-sit
# Taken from:
# (P) & (C) 2000-2003 by Peter Bieringer <pb@bieringer.de>
# You will find more information on the initscripts-ipv6 homepage at
# http://www.deepspace6.net/projects/initscripts-ipv6.html
# RHL integration assistance by Pekka Savola <pekkas@netcore.fi>
# Version 2002-11-01
# Uses following information from /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$1:
# DEVICE=<device>
. /etc/sysconfig/network
cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
. ./network-functions
[ -f "$CONFIG" ] || CONFIG=ifcfg-$CONFIG
# IPv6 don't need aliases anymore, config is skipped
[ "$DEVICE" != "$REALDEVICE" ] && exit 0
[ -f /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/network-functions-ipv6 ] || exit 1
. /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/network-functions-ipv6
# Generic tunnel device sit0 is not supported here
if [ "$DEVICE" = "sit0" ]; then
net_log $"Device '$DEVICE' isn't supported here, use IPV6_AUTOTUNNEL setting and restart (IPv6) networking"
exit 1
# IPv6 test, no module loaded, exit if system is not IPv6-ready
ipv6_test testonly || exit 0
# Test device status
ipv6_test_device_status $DEVICE
if [ $? != 0 -a $? != 11 ]; then
# device doesn't exist or other problem occurs
exit 0
# Cleanup additional static routes
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifdown-routes ${REALDEVICE}
# Cleanup and shut down IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnel device
ipv6_del_tunnel_device $DEVICE