#!/usr/bin/python -tt
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# (c) 2007 Red Hat. Written by skvidal@fedoraproject.org
import yum
import sys
import datetime
import os
import locale
import rpmUtils.arch
from yum.i18n import to_unicode
from urlgrabber.progress import format_number
from optparse import OptionParser
def bkMG(num):
''' Call format_number() but deals with negative numbers. '''
if num >= 0:
return format_number(num)
return '-' + format_number(-num)
class DiffYum(yum.YumBase):
def __init__(self):
self.dy_repos = {'old':[], 'new':[]}
self.dy_basecachedir = yum.misc.getCacheDir()
self.dy_archlist = ['src']
def dy_shutdown_all_other_repos(self):
# disable all the other repos
def dy_setup_repo(self, repotype, baseurl):
repoid = repotype + str (len(self.dy_repos[repotype]) + 1)
# make our new repo obj
newrepo = yum.yumRepo.YumRepository(repoid)
newrepo.name = repoid
if baseurl.startswith("mirror:"):
newrepo.mirrorlist = baseurl[len("mirror:"):]
elif baseurl.startswith("/"):
newrepo.baseurl = ["file:" + baseurl]
newrepo.baseurl = [baseurl]
newrepo.basecachedir = self.dy_basecachedir
newrepo.base_persistdir = self.dy_basecachedir
newrepo.metadata_expire = 0
newrepo.timestamp_check = False
# add our new repo
# enable that repo
# setup the repo dirs/etc
if '*' in self.dy_archlist:
# Include all known arches
arches = rpmUtils.arch.arches
archlist = list(set(arches.keys()).union(set(arches.values())))
archlist = self.dy_archlist
self._getSacks(archlist=archlist, thisrepo=repoid)
def dy_diff(self, compare_arch=False):
add = []
remove = []
modified = []
obsoleted = {} # obsoleted = by
# Originally we did this by setting up old and new repos. ... but as
# a faster way, we can just go through all the pkgs once getting the
# newest pkg with a repoid prefix of "old", dito. "new", and then
# compare those directly.
def _next_old_new(pkgs):
""" Returns latest pair of (oldpkg, newpkg) for each package
name. If that name doesn't exist, then it returns None for
that package. """
last = None
npkg = opkg = None
for pkg in sorted(pkgs):
if compare_arch:
key = (pkg.name, pkg.arch)
key = pkg.name
if last is None:
last = key
if last != key:
yield opkg, npkg
opkg = npkg = None
last = key
if pkg.repo.id.startswith('old'):
opkg = pkg
assert pkg.repo.id.startswith('new')
npkg = pkg
if opkg is not None or npkg is not None:
yield opkg, npkg
for opkg, npkg in _next_old_new(self.pkgSack.returnPackages()):
if opkg is None:
elif npkg is None:
elif not npkg.verEQ(opkg):
modified.append((npkg, opkg))
ao = {}
for pkg in add:
for obs_name in set(pkg.obsoletes_names):
if obs_name not in ao:
ao[obs_name] = []
# Note that this _only_ shows something when you have an additional
# package obsoleting a removed package. If the obsoleted package is
# still there (somewhat "common") or the obsoleter is an update (dito)
# you _don't_ get hits here.
for po in remove:
# Remember: Obsoletes are for package names only.
poprovtup = (po.name, 'EQ', (po.epoch, po.ver, po.release))
for newpo in ao.get(po.name, []):
if newpo.inPrcoRange('obsoletes', poprovtup):
obsoleted[po] = newpo
ygh = yum.misc.GenericHolder()
ygh.add = add
ygh.remove = remove
ygh.modified = modified
ygh.obsoleted = obsoleted
return ygh
def parseArgs(args):
Parse the command line args. return a list of 'new' and 'old' repos
usage = """
repodiff: take 2 or more repositories and return a list of added, removed and changed
repodiff --old=old_repo_baseurl --new=new_repo_baseurl """
parser = OptionParser(version = "repodiff 0.2", usage=usage)
# query options
parser.add_option("-n", "--new", default=[], action="append",
help="new baseurl[s] for repos")
parser.add_option("-o", "--old", default=[], action="append",
help="old baseurl[s] for repos")
parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", default=False, action='store_true')
parser.add_option("-a", "--archlist", default=[], action="append",
help="In addition to src.rpms, any arch you want to include")
parser.add_option("--compare-arch", default=False, action='store_true',
help="When comparing binary repos. also compare the arch of packages, to see if they are different")
parser.add_option("-s", "--size", default=False, action='store_true',
help="Output size changes for any new->old packages")
parser.add_option("--downgrade", default=False, action='store_true',
help="Output upgrade/downgrade separately")
parser.add_option("--simple", default=False, action='store_true',
help="output simple format")
(opts, argsleft) = parser.parse_args()
if not opts.new or not opts.old:
# sort out the comma-separated crap we somehow inherited.
archlist = []
for a in opts.archlist:
for arch in a.split(','):
if not archlist :
archlist = ['src']
opts.archlist = archlist
return opts
def _out_mod(opts, oldpkg, pkg, sizechange):
if opts.simple:
if opts.compare_arch:
msg = "%s: %s -> %s" % (pkg.name, oldpkg, pkg)
msg = "%s: %s-%s-%s -> %s-%s-%s" % (pkg.name, oldpkg.name,
oldpkg.ver, oldpkg.rel,
pkg.name, pkg.ver,
if opts.compare_arch:
msg = "%s" % pkg
msg = "%s-%s-%s" % (pkg.name, pkg.ver, pkg.rel)
dashes = "-" * len(msg)
msg += "\n%s\n" % dashes
# get newest clog time from the oldpkg
# for any newer clog in pkg
# print it
oldlogs = oldpkg.changelog
if len(oldlogs):
# Don't sort as that can screw the order up when time is the
# same.
oldtime = oldlogs[0][0]
oldauth = oldlogs[0][1]
oldcontent = oldlogs[0][2]
for (t, author, content) in pkg.changelog:
if t < oldtime:
if ((t == oldtime) and (author == oldauth) and
(content == oldcontent)):
tm = datetime.date.fromtimestamp(int(t))
tm = tm.strftime("%a %b %d %Y")
msg += "* %s %s\n%s\n\n" % (tm, to_unicode(author),
if opts.size:
msg += "\nSize change: %s bytes\n" % sizechange
print msg
def main(args):
opts = parseArgs(args)
my = DiffYum()
archlist_changed = False
if opts.archlist and not opts.archlist[0] == 'src':
my.preconf.arch = opts.archlist[0]
archlist_changed = True
if opts.quiet:
my.doLoggingSetup(my.conf.debuglevel, my.conf.errorlevel)
my.conf.disable_excludes = ['all']
my.dy_archlist = opts.archlist
if archlist_changed:
my.dy_archlist += my.arch.archlist
if not opts.quiet: print 'setting up repos'
for r in opts.old:
if not opts.quiet: print "setting up old repo %s" % r
my.dy_setup_repo('old', r)
except yum.Errors.RepoError, e:
print "Could not setup repo at url %s: %s" % (r, e)
for r in opts.new:
if not opts.quiet: print "setting up new repo %s" % r
my.dy_setup_repo('new', r)
except yum.Errors.RepoError, e:
print "Could not setup repo at url %s: %s" % (r, e)
if not opts.quiet: print 'performing the diff'
ygh = my.dy_diff(opts.compare_arch)
total_sizechange = 0
add_sizechange = 0
remove_sizechange = 0
mod_sizechange = 0
up_sizechange = 0
down_sizechange = 0
upgraded_pkgs = 0
downgraded_pkgs = 0
if ygh.add:
for pkg in sorted(ygh.add):
if opts.compare_arch:
print 'New package: %s' % pkg
print 'New package: %s-%s-%s' % (pkg.name, pkg.ver, pkg.rel)
print ' %s\n' % to_unicode(pkg.summary)
add_sizechange += int(pkg.size)
if ygh.remove:
for pkg in sorted(ygh.remove):
if opts.compare_arch:
print 'Removed package: %s' % pkg
print 'Removed package: %s-%s-%s' % (pkg.name, pkg.ver,pkg.rel)
if pkg in ygh.obsoleted:
print 'Obsoleted by : %s' % ygh.obsoleted[pkg]
remove_sizechange += (int(pkg.size))
if ygh.modified:
print '\nUpdated Packages:\n'
for (pkg, oldpkg) in sorted(ygh.modified):
if opts.downgrade and pkg.verLT(oldpkg):
upgraded_pkgs += 1
sizechange = None
if opts.size:
sizechange = int(pkg.size) - int(oldpkg.size)
if opts.downgrade:
up_sizechange += sizechange
mod_sizechange += sizechange
_out_mod(opts, oldpkg, pkg, sizechange)
if opts.downgrade:
print '\nDowngraded Packages:\n'
for (pkg, oldpkg) in sorted(ygh.modified):
if pkg.verGT(oldpkg):
downgraded_pkgs += 1
sizechange = None
if opts.size:
sizechange = int(pkg.size) - int(oldpkg.size)
down_sizechange += sizechange
_out_mod(opts, oldpkg, pkg, sizechange)
if (not ygh.add and not ygh.remove and not ygh.modified and
not my.pkgSack.searchNevra(arch='src')):
print "** No 'src' pkgs in any repo. maybe see docs. on --archlist?"
print '\nSummary:'
print 'Added Packages: %s' % len(ygh.add)
print 'Removed Packages: %s' % len(ygh.remove)
if not opts.downgrade:
print 'Modified Packages: %s' % len(ygh.modified)
print 'Upgraded Packages: %s' % upgraded_pkgs
print 'Downgraded Packages: %s' % downgraded_pkgs
if opts.size:
print 'Size of added packages: %s (%s)' % (add_sizechange,
if not opts.downgrade:
msg = 'Size change of modified packages: %s (%s)'
print msg % (mod_sizechange, bkMG(mod_sizechange))
total_sizechange = add_sizechange +mod_sizechange -remove_sizechange
msg = 'Size change of upgraded packages: %s (%s)'
print msg % (up_sizechange, bkMG(up_sizechange))
msg = 'Size change of downgraded packages: %s (%s)'
print msg % (down_sizechange, bkMG(down_sizechange))
total_sizechange = (add_sizechange +
up_sizechange + down_sizechange -
msg = 'Size of removed packages: %s (%s)'
print msg % (remove_sizechange, bkMG(remove_sizechange))
msg = 'Size change: %s (%s)'
print msg % (total_sizechange, bkMG(total_sizechange))
if __name__ == "__main__":
# This test needs to be before locale.getpreferredencoding() as that
# does setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "")
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
except locale.Error, e:
# default to C locale if we get a failure.
print >> sys.stderr, 'Failed to set locale, defaulting to C'
os.environ['LC_ALL'] = 'C'
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'C')
if True: # not sys.stdout.isatty():
import codecs
sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter(locale.getpreferredencoding())(sys.stdout)
sys.stdout.errors = 'replace'