(function (context) {
* @public
* @type {Object}
var helper = context.utHelper = {};
var nativeSlice = Array.prototype.slice;
* Usage:
* var testCase = helper.prepare([
* 'echarts/chart/line',
* 'echarts/component/grid',
* 'echarts/component/toolbox'
* ])
* testCase('test_case_1', function (grid, line, toolbox) {
* // Real test case.
* // this.echarts can be visited.
* });
* testCase.requireId(['echarts/model/Component'])('test_case_2', function (Component) {
* // Real test case.
* // this.echarts can be visited.
* });
* testCase.createChart()(function(grid, line, toolbox) {
* // this.echarts can be visited.
* // this.chart can be visited.
* // this.charts[0] can be visited, this.charts[0] === this.chart
* // this.el can be visited.
* // this.els[0] can be visited, this.els[0] === this.el
* });
* testCase.createChart(2)(function(grid, line, toolbox) {
* // this.echarts can be visited.
* // this.chart can be visited.
* // this.charts[0] can be visited, this.charts[0] === this.chart
* // this.charts[1] can be visited.
* // this.el can be visited.
* // this.els[0] can be visited, this.els[0] === this.el
* // this.els[1] can be visited.
* });
* @public
* @params {Array.<string>} [requireId] Like:
* @return {Function} testCase function wrap.
helper.prepare = function (requireId) {
window.beforeEach(function (done) {
window.jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 10000;
return wrapTestCaseFn(genContext({requireId: requireId}));
function wrapTestCaseFn(context) {
var testCase = function (name, doTest) {
var requireId = context.requireId;
if (!(requireId instanceof Array)) {
requireId = requireId != null ? [] : [requireId];
requireId = ['echarts'].concat(requireId);
window.it(name, function (done) {
function onLoaderReset() {
window.require(requireId, onModuleLoaded);
function onModuleLoaded(echarts) {
var createResult = createChart(context, echarts);
var userScope = {
echarts: echarts,
chart: createResult.charts[0],
charts: createResult.charts.slice(),
el: createResult.els[0],
els: createResult.els.slice()
Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)
testCase.requireId = function (requireId) {
return wrapTestCaseFn(genContext({requireId: requireId}, context));
testCase.createChart = function (chartCount) {
chartCount == null && (chartCount = 1);
return wrapTestCaseFn(genContext({chartCount: chartCount}, context));
return testCase;
function genContext(props, originalContext) {
var context = {};
if (originalContext) {
for (var key in originalContext) {
if (originalContext.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
context[key] = originalContext[key];
if (props) {
for (var key in props) {
if (props.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
context[key] = props[key];
return context;
function createChart(context, echarts) {
var els = [];
var charts = [];
for (var i = 0; i < context.chartCount || 0; i++) {
var el = document.createElement('div');
charts.push(echarts.init(el, null, {renderer: 'canvas'}));
return {charts: charts, els: els};
function removeChart(createResult) {
for (var i = 0; i < createResult.charts.length; i++) {
var chart = createResult.charts[i];
chart && chart.dispose();
for (var i = 0; i < createResult.els.length; i++) {
var el = createResult.els[i];
el && document.body.removeChild(el);
* @param {*} target
* @param {*} source
helper.extend = function (target, source) {
for (var key in source) {
if (source.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
target[key] = source[key];
return target;
* @public
helper.g = function (id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
* @public
helper.removeEl = function (el) {
var parent = helper.parentEl(el);
parent && parent.removeChild(el);
* @public
helper.parentEl = function (el) {
//parentElement for ie.
return el.parentElement || el.parentNode;
* 得到head
* @public
helper.getHeadEl = function (s) {
return document.head
|| document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]
|| document.documentElement;
* @public
helper.curry = function (func) {
var args = nativeSlice.call(arguments, 1);
return function () {
return func.apply(this, args.concat(nativeSlice.call(arguments)));
* @public
helper.bind = function (func, context) {
var args = nativeSlice.call(arguments, 2);
return function () {
return func.apply(context, args.concat(nativeSlice.call(arguments)));
* Load javascript script
* @param {string} resource Like 'xx/xx/xx.js';
helper.loadScript = function (url, id, callback) {
var head = helper.getHeadEl();
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
script.setAttribute('charset', 'utf-8');
if (id) {
script.setAttribute('id', id);
script.setAttribute('src', url);
// @see jquery
// Attach handlers for all browsers
script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (!script.readyState || /loaded|complete/.test(script.readyState)) {
// Handle memory leak in IE
script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = null;
// Dereference the script
script = undefined;
callback && callback();
// Use insertBefore instead of appendChild to circumvent an IE6 bug.
// This arises when a base node is used (jquery #2709 and #4378).
head.insertBefore(script, head.firstChild);
* Reset package loader, where esl is cleaned and reloaded.
* @public
helper.resetPackageLoader = function (then) {
// Clean esl
var eslEl = helper.g('esl');
if (eslEl) {
var eslConfig = helper.g('esl');
if (eslConfig) {
context.define = null;
context.require = null;
// Import esl.
helper.loadScript('../esl.js', 'esl', function () {
helper.loadScript('config.js', 'config', function () {
* @public
* @param {Array.<string>} deps
* @param {Array.<Function>} testFnList
* @param {Function} done All done callback.
helper.resetPackageLoaderEachTest = function (deps, testFnList, done) {
var i = -1;
function next() {
if (testFnList.length <= i) {
helper.resetPackageLoader(function () {
window.require(deps, function () {
testFnList[i].apply(null, arguments);
})(window); |