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import $ from 'jquery';
import ParsleyUtils from './utils';
import ParsleyAbstract from './abstract';
import ParsleyForm from './form';
import ParsleyField from './field';
import ParsleyMultiple from './multiple';

var ParsleyFactory = function (element, options, parsleyFormInstance) {
  this.$element = $(element);

  // If the element has already been bound, returns its saved Parsley instance
  var savedparsleyFormInstance = this.$element.data('Parsley');
  if (savedparsleyFormInstance) {

    // If the saved instance has been bound without a ParsleyForm parent and there is one given in this call, add it
    if ('undefined' !== typeof parsleyFormInstance && savedparsleyFormInstance.parent === window.Parsley) {
      savedparsleyFormInstance.parent = parsleyFormInstance;

    return savedparsleyFormInstance;

  // Parsley must be instantiated with a DOM element or jQuery $element
  if (!this.$element.length)
    throw new Error('You must bind Parsley on an existing element.');

  if ('undefined' !== typeof parsleyFormInstance && 'ParsleyForm' !== parsleyFormInstance.__class__)
    throw new Error('Parent instance must be a ParsleyForm instance');

  this.parent = parsleyFormInstance || window.Parsley;
  return this.init(options);

ParsleyFactory.prototype = {
  init: function (options) {
    this.__class__ = 'Parsley';
    this.__version__ = '@@version';
    this.__id__ = ParsleyUtils.generateID();

    // Pre-compute options

    // A ParsleyForm instance is obviously a `<form>` element but also every node that is not an input and has the `data-parsley-validate` attribute
    if (this.$element.is('form') || (ParsleyUtils.checkAttr(this.$element, this.options.namespace, 'validate') && !this.$element.is(this.options.inputs)))
      return this.bind('parsleyForm');

    // Every other element is bound as a `ParsleyField` or `ParsleyFieldMultiple`
    return this.isMultiple() ? this.handleMultiple() : this.bind('parsleyField');

  isMultiple: function () {
    return (this.$element.is('input[type=radio], input[type=checkbox]')) || (this.$element.is('select') && 'undefined' !== typeof this.$element.attr('multiple'));

  // Multiples fields are a real nightmare :(
  // Maybe some refactoring would be appreciated here...
  handleMultiple: function () {
    var name;
    var multiple;
    var parsleyMultipleInstance;

    // Handle multiple name
    if (this.options.multiple)
      ; // We already have our 'multiple' identifier
    else if ('undefined' !== typeof this.$element.attr('name') && this.$element.attr('name').length)
      this.options.multiple = name = this.$element.attr('name');
    else if ('undefined' !== typeof this.$element.attr('id') && this.$element.attr('id').length)
      this.options.multiple = this.$element.attr('id');

    // Special select multiple input
    if (this.$element.is('select') && 'undefined' !== typeof this.$element.attr('multiple')) {
      this.options.multiple = this.options.multiple || this.__id__;
      return this.bind('parsleyFieldMultiple');

    // Else for radio / checkboxes, we need a `name` or `data-parsley-multiple` to properly bind it
    } else if (!this.options.multiple) {
      ParsleyUtils.warn('To be bound by Parsley, a radio, a checkbox and a multiple select input must have either a name or a multiple option.', this.$element);
      return this;

    // Remove special chars
    this.options.multiple = this.options.multiple.replace(/(:|\.|\[|\]|\{|\}|\$)/g, '');

    // Add proper `data-parsley-multiple` to siblings if we have a valid multiple name
    if ('undefined' !== typeof name) {
      $('input[name="' + name + '"]').each((i, input) => {
        if ($(input).is('input[type=radio], input[type=checkbox]'))
          $(input).attr(this.options.namespace + 'multiple', this.options.multiple);

    // Check here if we don't already have a related multiple instance saved
    var $previouslyRelated = this._findRelated();
    for (var i = 0; i < $previouslyRelated.length; i++) {
      parsleyMultipleInstance = $($previouslyRelated.get(i)).data('Parsley');
      if ('undefined' !== typeof parsleyMultipleInstance) {

        if (!this.$element.data('ParsleyFieldMultiple')) {


    // Create a secret ParsleyField instance for every multiple field. It will be stored in `data('ParsleyFieldMultiple')`
    // And will be useful later to access classic `ParsleyField` stuff while being in a `ParsleyFieldMultiple` instance
    this.bind('parsleyField', true);

    return parsleyMultipleInstance || this.bind('parsleyFieldMultiple');

  // Return proper `ParsleyForm`, `ParsleyField` or `ParsleyFieldMultiple`
  bind: function (type, doNotStore) {
    var parsleyInstance;

    switch (type) {
      case 'parsleyForm':
        parsleyInstance = $.extend(
          new ParsleyForm(this.$element, this.domOptions, this.options),
          new ParsleyAbstract(),
      case 'parsleyField':
        parsleyInstance = $.extend(
          new ParsleyField(this.$element, this.domOptions, this.options, this.parent),
          new ParsleyAbstract(),
      case 'parsleyFieldMultiple':
        parsleyInstance = $.extend(
          new ParsleyField(this.$element, this.domOptions, this.options, this.parent),
          new ParsleyMultiple(),
          new ParsleyAbstract(),
        throw new Error(type + 'is not a supported Parsley type');

    if (this.options.multiple)
      ParsleyUtils.setAttr(this.$element, this.options.namespace, 'multiple', this.options.multiple);

    if ('undefined' !== typeof doNotStore) {
      this.$element.data('ParsleyFieldMultiple', parsleyInstance);

      return parsleyInstance;

    // Store the freshly bound instance in a DOM element for later access using jQuery `data()`
    this.$element.data('Parsley', parsleyInstance);

    // Tell the world we have a new ParsleyForm or ParsleyField instance!

    return parsleyInstance;

export default ParsleyFactory;