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Current File : /home/drsekaran/public_html/admin/vendors/echarts/test/ut/core/uiHelper.js
(function (context) {

    var helper = context.uiHelper = {};

    // canvas comparing strategy, 'stack' or 'content'
    var STRATEGY = 'stack';
    // always display images even if no error
    var ALWAYS_SHOW_IMAGE = true;

    // dom for failed cases
    var failedDom = document.createElement('div');
    failedDom.setAttribute('id', 'failed-panel');
    var hasFailedDom = false;

     * expect canvas.toDataURL to be the same by old and new echarts
     * @param  {string} title title of suite and case
     * @param  {function} doTest test body
     * @param  {function} done   done callback provided by jasmine
    helper.expectEqualCanvasContent = function(title, doTest, done) {
        var that = this;
        window.require(['oldEcharts', 'newEcharts'], function (oldE, newE) {
            var oldImg = doTest(oldE).toDataURL();
            var newImg = doTest(newE).toDataURL();
            if (ALWAYS_SHOW_IMAGE || oldImg !== newImg) {
                that.addFailedCases(title, oldImg, newImg);

     * expect canvas operation stack provided by canteen
     * to be the same by old and new echarts
     * @param  {string} title title of suite and case
     * @param  {function} doTest test body
     * @param  {function} done   done callback provided by jasmine
    helper.expectEqualCanvasStack = function(title, doTest, done) {
        window.require(['oldEcharts', 'newEcharts'], function (oldE, newE) {
            var oldCanvas = doTest(oldE);
            var newCanvas = doTest(newE);
            var oldImg = oldCanvas.toDataURL();
            var newImg = newCanvas.toDataURL();
            if (ALWAYS_SHOW_IMAGE || oldImg !== newImg) {
                helper.addFailedCases(title, oldImg, newImg);
            var oldCtx = oldCanvas.getContext('2d');
            var newCtx = newCanvas.getContext('2d');
            // hash of canvas operation stack, provided by canteen
            // https://github.com/platfora/Canteen
            // console.log(oldCtx.hash());

     * expect canvas with strategy
     * @param  {string} title title of suite and case
     * @param  {function} doTest test body
     * @param  {function} done   done callback provided by jasmine
    helper.expectEqualCanvas = function(title, doTest, done) {
        if (STRATEGY === 'content') {
            helper.expectEqualCanvasContent(title, doTest, done);
        } else if (STRATEGY === 'stack') {
            helper.expectEqualCanvasStack(title, doTest, done);
        } else {
            console.error('Invalid equal canvas strategy!');

    var optionCompareHelper = function(isExpectEqual,
                                       option2) {

        it(title, function(done) {
            window.require(['newEcharts'], function (ec) {
                var canvas1 = helper.getRenderedCanvas(ec, function(myChart) {
                var canvas2 = helper.getRenderedCanvas(ec, function(myChart) {
                var ctx1 = canvas1.getContext('2d');
                var ctx2 = canvas2.getContext('2d');
                var img1 = canvas1.toDataURL();
                var img2 = canvas2.toDataURL();

                var compare1 = compare2 = null;
                if (STRATEGY === 'content') {
                    compare1 = img1;
                    compare2 = img2;
                } else if (STRATEGY === 'stack') {
                    compare1 = ctx1.hash()
                    compare2 = ctx2.hash();
                } else {
                    console.error('Invalid equal canvas strategy!');

                if (isExpectEqual) {
                } else {

                if (ALWAYS_SHOW_IMAGE || (compare1 === compare2) ^ isExpectEqual) {
                    helper.addFailedCases(title, img1, img2);
                    // console.log(title);
                    // console.log(JSON.stringify(ctx1.stack()));
                    // console.log(JSON.stringify(ctx2.stack()));


     * expect two options have the same canvas for new echarts
     * @param  {string}   title   title of test case
     * @param  {object}   option1 one echarts option
     * @param  {object}   option2 the other echarts option
     * @param  {function} done    callback for jasmine
    helper.expectEqualOption = function(title, option1, option2) {
        optionCompareHelper(true, title, option1, option2);

     * expect two options have different canvas for new echarts
     * @param  {string}   title   title of test case
     * @param  {object}   option1 one echarts option
     * @param  {object}   option2 the other echarts option
     * @param  {function} done    callback for jasmine
    helper.expectNotEqualOption = function(title, option1, option2) {
        optionCompareHelper(false, title, option1, option2);

     * get rendered canvas with echarts and operations
     * @param  {object}   echarts    echarts
     * @param  {function} operations operations with echarts
     * @return {Canvas}              canvas rendered by echarts
    helper.getRenderedCanvas = function(echarts, operations) {
        // init canvas with echarts
        var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
        canvas.width = 400;
        canvas.height = 300;
        var myChart = echarts.init(canvas);

        // user defined operations

        return canvas;

     * run test with only setOption
     * @param  {string} name      name of the test
     * @param  {object} option    echarts option
    helper.testOption = function(name, option) {
        var doTest = function(ec) {
            var canvas = helper.getRenderedCanvas(ec, function(myChart) {
            return canvas;
        it(name, function(done) {
            if (STRATEGY === 'content') {
                helper.expectEqualCanvasContent(name, doTest, done);
            } else if (STRATEGY === 'stack') {
                helper.expectEqualCanvasStack(name, doTest, done);
            } else {
                console.error('Invalid equal canvas strategy!');

     * preprocess option and set default values
     * @param  {object} option echarts option
     * @return {object}        processed option
    helper.preprocessOption = function(option) {
        if (typeof option.animation === 'undefined') {
            option.animation = false;
        return option;

     * run test with setOption for whole spec
     * @param  {string}   specName spec name
     * @param  {object[]} suites    arrary of suites
    helper.testOptionSpec = function(specName, suites) {
        for (var sid = 0, slen = suites.length; sid < slen; ++sid) {
            (function(suiteName, cases) {
                describe(suiteName, function() {
                    for (var cid = 0, clen = cases.length; cid < clen; ++cid) {
                        var name = specName + ' - ' + suiteName + ': '
                            + cases[cid].name;
                        if (cases[cid].test === 'equalOption') {
                            helper.expectEqualOption(name, cases[cid].option1,
                        } else if (cases[cid].test === 'notEqualOption') {
                            helper.expectNotEqualOption(name, cases[cid].option1,
                        } else {
                            helper.testOption(name, cases[cid].option);
            })(suites[sid].name, suites[sid].cases);

     * @param {string} name name of the test
     * @param {string} oldImgSrc old canvas.toDataURL value
     * @param {string} newImgSrc new canvas.toDataURL value
     * add a failed case in dom
    helper.addFailedCases = function(name, oldImgSrc, newImgSrc) {
        // group of this case
        var group = document.createElement('div');
        var title = document.createElement('h6');
        title.innerHTML = name + '. Here are old, new, and diff images.';

        // old image and new image
        var oldImg = document.createElement('img');
        oldImg.src = oldImgSrc;
        oldImg.setAttribute('title', 'Old Image');
        var newImg = document.createElement('img');
        newImg.src = newImgSrc;
        newImg.setAttribute('title', 'New Image');

        // diff image
        var diff = imagediff.diff(oldImg, newImg);
        var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
        canvas.width = oldImg.width;
        canvas.height = oldImg.height;
        var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
        ctx.putImageData(diff, 0, 0);
        var diffImg = document.createElement('img');
        diffImg.src = canvas.toDataURL();
        diffImg.setAttribute('title', 'Diff Image');


        // append to dom
        if (!hasFailedDom) {
            var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
            hasFailedDom = true;
