// Layout helpers for each component positioning
define(function(require) {
'use strict';
var zrUtil = require('zrender/core/util');
var BoundingRect = require('zrender/core/BoundingRect');
var numberUtil = require('./number');
var formatUtil = require('./format');
var parsePercent = numberUtil.parsePercent;
var each = zrUtil.each;
var layout = {};
var LOCATION_PARAMS = ['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom', 'width', 'height'];
function boxLayout(orient, group, gap, maxWidth, maxHeight) {
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
if (maxWidth == null) {
maxWidth = Infinity;
if (maxHeight == null) {
maxHeight = Infinity;
var currentLineMaxSize = 0;
group.eachChild(function (child, idx) {
var position = child.position;
var rect = child.getBoundingRect();
var nextChild = group.childAt(idx + 1);
var nextChildRect = nextChild && nextChild.getBoundingRect();
var nextX;
var nextY;
if (orient === 'horizontal') {
var moveX = rect.width + (nextChildRect ? (-nextChildRect.x + rect.x) : 0);
nextX = x + moveX;
// Wrap when width exceeds maxWidth or meet a `newline` group
if (nextX > maxWidth || child.newline) {
x = 0;
nextX = moveX;
y += currentLineMaxSize + gap;
currentLineMaxSize = rect.height;
else {
currentLineMaxSize = Math.max(currentLineMaxSize, rect.height);
else {
var moveY = rect.height + (nextChildRect ? (-nextChildRect.y + rect.y) : 0);
nextY = y + moveY;
// Wrap when width exceeds maxHeight or meet a `newline` group
if (nextY > maxHeight || child.newline) {
x += currentLineMaxSize + gap;
y = 0;
nextY = moveY;
currentLineMaxSize = rect.width;
else {
currentLineMaxSize = Math.max(currentLineMaxSize, rect.width);
if (child.newline) {
position[0] = x;
position[1] = y;
orient === 'horizontal'
? (x = nextX + gap)
: (y = nextY + gap);
* VBox or HBox layouting
* @param {string} orient
* @param {module:zrender/container/Group} group
* @param {number} gap
* @param {number} [width=Infinity]
* @param {number} [height=Infinity]
layout.box = boxLayout;
* VBox layouting
* @param {module:zrender/container/Group} group
* @param {number} gap
* @param {number} [width=Infinity]
* @param {number} [height=Infinity]
layout.vbox = zrUtil.curry(boxLayout, 'vertical');
* HBox layouting
* @param {module:zrender/container/Group} group
* @param {number} gap
* @param {number} [width=Infinity]
* @param {number} [height=Infinity]
layout.hbox = zrUtil.curry(boxLayout, 'horizontal');
* If x or x2 is not specified or 'center' 'left' 'right',
* the width would be as long as possible.
* If y or y2 is not specified or 'middle' 'top' 'bottom',
* the height would be as long as possible.
* @param {Object} positionInfo
* @param {number|string} [positionInfo.x]
* @param {number|string} [positionInfo.y]
* @param {number|string} [positionInfo.x2]
* @param {number|string} [positionInfo.y2]
* @param {Object} containerRect
* @param {string|number} margin
* @return {Object} {width, height}
layout.getAvailableSize = function (positionInfo, containerRect, margin) {
var containerWidth = containerRect.width;
var containerHeight = containerRect.height;
var x = parsePercent(positionInfo.x, containerWidth);
var y = parsePercent(positionInfo.y, containerHeight);
var x2 = parsePercent(positionInfo.x2, containerWidth);
var y2 = parsePercent(positionInfo.y2, containerHeight);
(isNaN(x) || isNaN(parseFloat(positionInfo.x))) && (x = 0);
(isNaN(x2) || isNaN(parseFloat(positionInfo.x2))) && (x2 = containerWidth);
(isNaN(y) || isNaN(parseFloat(positionInfo.y))) && (y = 0);
(isNaN(y2) || isNaN(parseFloat(positionInfo.y2))) && (y2 = containerHeight);
margin = formatUtil.normalizeCssArray(margin || 0);
return {
width: Math.max(x2 - x - margin[1] - margin[3], 0),
height: Math.max(y2 - y - margin[0] - margin[2], 0)
* Parse position info.
* @param {Object} positionInfo
* @param {number|string} [positionInfo.left]
* @param {number|string} [positionInfo.top]
* @param {number|string} [positionInfo.right]
* @param {number|string} [positionInfo.bottom]
* @param {number|string} [positionInfo.width]
* @param {number|string} [positionInfo.height]
* @param {number|string} [positionInfo.aspect] Aspect is width / height
* @param {Object} containerRect
* @param {string|number} [margin]
* @return {module:zrender/core/BoundingRect}
layout.getLayoutRect = function (
positionInfo, containerRect, margin
) {
margin = formatUtil.normalizeCssArray(margin || 0);
var containerWidth = containerRect.width;
var containerHeight = containerRect.height;
var left = parsePercent(positionInfo.left, containerWidth);
var top = parsePercent(positionInfo.top, containerHeight);
var right = parsePercent(positionInfo.right, containerWidth);
var bottom = parsePercent(positionInfo.bottom, containerHeight);
var width = parsePercent(positionInfo.width, containerWidth);
var height = parsePercent(positionInfo.height, containerHeight);
var verticalMargin = margin[2] + margin[0];
var horizontalMargin = margin[1] + margin[3];
var aspect = positionInfo.aspect;
// If width is not specified, calculate width from left and right
if (isNaN(width)) {
width = containerWidth - right - horizontalMargin - left;
if (isNaN(height)) {
height = containerHeight - bottom - verticalMargin - top;
// If width and height are not given
// 1. Graph should not exceeds the container
// 2. Aspect must be keeped
// 3. Graph should take the space as more as possible
if (isNaN(width) && isNaN(height)) {
if (aspect > containerWidth / containerHeight) {
width = containerWidth * 0.8;
else {
height = containerHeight * 0.8;
if (aspect != null) {
// Calculate width or height with given aspect
if (isNaN(width)) {
width = aspect * height;
if (isNaN(height)) {
height = width / aspect;
// If left is not specified, calculate left from right and width
if (isNaN(left)) {
left = containerWidth - right - width - horizontalMargin;
if (isNaN(top)) {
top = containerHeight - bottom - height - verticalMargin;
// Align left and top
switch (positionInfo.left || positionInfo.right) {
case 'center':
left = containerWidth / 2 - width / 2 - margin[3];
case 'right':
left = containerWidth - width - horizontalMargin;
switch (positionInfo.top || positionInfo.bottom) {
case 'middle':
case 'center':
top = containerHeight / 2 - height / 2 - margin[0];
case 'bottom':
top = containerHeight - height - verticalMargin;
// If something is wrong and left, top, width, height are calculated as NaN
left = left || 0;
top = top || 0;
if (isNaN(width)) {
// Width may be NaN if only one value is given except width
width = containerWidth - left - (right || 0);
if (isNaN(height)) {
// Height may be NaN if only one value is given except height
height = containerHeight - top - (bottom || 0);
var rect = new BoundingRect(left + margin[3], top + margin[0], width, height);
rect.margin = margin;
return rect;
* Position group of component in viewport
* Group position is specified by either
* {left, top}, {right, bottom}
* If all properties exists, right and bottom will be igonred.
* @param {module:zrender/container/Group} group
* @param {Object} positionInfo
* @param {number|string} [positionInfo.left]
* @param {number|string} [positionInfo.top]
* @param {number|string} [positionInfo.right]
* @param {number|string} [positionInfo.bottom]
* @param {Object} containerRect
* @param {string|number} margin
layout.positionGroup = function (
group, positionInfo, containerRect, margin
) {
var groupRect = group.getBoundingRect();
positionInfo = zrUtil.extend(zrUtil.clone(positionInfo), {
width: groupRect.width,
height: groupRect.height
positionInfo = layout.getLayoutRect(
positionInfo, containerRect, margin
group.position = [
positionInfo.x - groupRect.x,
positionInfo.y - groupRect.y
* Consider Case:
* When defulat option has {left: 0, width: 100}, and we set {right: 0}
* through setOption or media query, using normal zrUtil.merge will cause
* {right: 0} does not take effect.
* @example
* ComponentModel.extend({
* init: function () {
* ...
* var inputPositionParams = layout.getLayoutParams(option);
* this.mergeOption(inputPositionParams);
* },
* mergeOption: function (newOption) {
* newOption && zrUtil.merge(thisOption, newOption, true);
* layout.mergeLayoutParam(thisOption, newOption);
* }
* });
* @param {Object} targetOption
* @param {Object} newOption
* @param {Object|string} [opt]
* @param {boolean} [opt.ignoreSize=false] Some component must has width and height.
layout.mergeLayoutParam = function (targetOption, newOption, opt) {
!zrUtil.isObject(opt) && (opt = {});
var hNames = ['width', 'left', 'right']; // Order by priority.
var vNames = ['height', 'top', 'bottom']; // Order by priority.
var hResult = merge(hNames);
var vResult = merge(vNames);
copy(hNames, targetOption, hResult);
copy(vNames, targetOption, vResult);
function merge(names) {
var newParams = {};
var newValueCount = 0;
var merged = {};
var mergedValueCount = 0;
var enoughParamNumber = opt.ignoreSize ? 1 : 2;
each(names, function (name) {
merged[name] = targetOption[name];
each(names, function (name) {
// Consider case: newOption.width is null, which is
// set by user for removing width setting.
hasProp(newOption, name) && (newParams[name] = merged[name] = newOption[name]);
hasValue(newParams, name) && newValueCount++;
hasValue(merged, name) && mergedValueCount++;
// Case: newOption: {width: ..., right: ...},
// or targetOption: {right: ...} and newOption: {width: ...},
// There is no conflict when merged only has params count
// little than enoughParamNumber.
if (mergedValueCount === enoughParamNumber || !newValueCount) {
return merged;
// Case: newOption: {width: ..., right: ...},
// Than we can make sure user only want those two, and ignore
// all origin params in targetOption.
else if (newValueCount >= enoughParamNumber) {
return newParams;
else {
// Chose another param from targetOption by priority.
// When 'ignoreSize', enoughParamNumber is 1 and those will not happen.
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
var name = names[i];
if (!hasProp(newParams, name) && hasProp(targetOption, name)) {
newParams[name] = targetOption[name];
return newParams;
function hasProp(obj, name) {
return obj.hasOwnProperty(name);
function hasValue(obj, name) {
return obj[name] != null && obj[name] !== 'auto';
function copy(names, target, source) {
each(names, function (name) {
target[name] = source[name];
* Retrieve 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom', 'width', 'height' from object.
* @param {Object} source
* @return {Object} Result contains those props.
layout.getLayoutParams = function (source) {
return layout.copyLayoutParams({}, source);
* Retrieve 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom', 'width', 'height' from object.
* @param {Object} source
* @return {Object} Result contains those props.
layout.copyLayoutParams = function (target, source) {
source && target && each(LOCATION_PARAMS, function (name) {
source.hasOwnProperty(name) && (target[name] = source[name]);
return target;
return layout;
}); |