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Current File : /home/drsekaran/public_html/admin/vendors/echarts/src/component/visualMap/VisualMapModel.js
 * @file Data zoom model
define(function(require) {

    var zrUtil = require('zrender/core/util');
    var env = require('zrender/core/env');
    var echarts = require('../../echarts');
    var modelUtil = require('../../util/model');
    var visualDefault = require('../../visual/visualDefault');
    var VisualMapping = require('../../visual/VisualMapping');
    var mapVisual = VisualMapping.mapVisual;
    var eachVisual = VisualMapping.eachVisual;
    var numberUtil = require('../../util/number');
    var isArray = zrUtil.isArray;
    var each = zrUtil.each;
    var asc = numberUtil.asc;
    var linearMap = numberUtil.linearMap;

    var VisualMapModel = echarts.extendComponentModel({

        type: 'visualMap',

        dependencies: ['series'],

         * [lowerBound, upperBound]
         * @readOnly
         * @type {Array.<number>}
        dataBound: [-Infinity, Infinity],

         * @readOnly
         * @type {Array.<string>}
        stateList: ['inRange', 'outOfRange'],

         * @readOnly
         * @type {string|Object}
        layoutMode: {type: 'box', ignoreSize: true},

         * @protected
        defaultOption: {
            show: true,

            zlevel: 0,
            z: 4,

                                    // set min: 0, max: 200, only for campatible with ec2.
                                    // In fact min max should not have default value.
            min: 0,                 // min value, must specified if pieces is not specified.
            max: 200,               // max value, must specified if pieces is not specified.

            dimension: null,
            inRange: null,          // 'color', 'colorHue', 'colorSaturation', 'colorLightness', 'colorAlpha',
                                    // 'symbol', 'symbolSize'
            outOfRange: null,       // 'color', 'colorHue', 'colorSaturation',
                                    // 'colorLightness', 'colorAlpha',
                                    // 'symbol', 'symbolSize'

            left: 0,                // 'center' ¦ 'left' ¦ 'right' ¦ {number} (px)
            right: null,            // The same as left.
            top: null,              // 'top' ¦ 'bottom' ¦ 'center' ¦ {number} (px)
            bottom: 0,              // The same as top.

            itemWidth: null,
            itemHeight: null,
            inverse: false,
            orient: 'vertical',        // 'horizontal' ¦ 'vertical'

            seriesIndex: null,        // 所控制的series indices,默认所有有value的series.
            backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
            borderColor: '#ccc',       // 值域边框颜色
            contentColor: '#5793f3',
            inactiveColor: '#aaa',
            borderWidth: 0,            // 值域边框线宽,单位px,默认为0(无边框)
            padding: 5,                // 值域内边距,单位px,默认各方向内边距为5,
                                       // 接受数组分别设定上右下左边距,同css
            textGap: 10,               //
            precision: 0,              // 小数精度,默认为0,无小数点
            color: ['#bf444c', '#d88273', '#f6efa6'], //颜色(deprecated,兼容ec2,顺序同pieces,不同于inRange/outOfRange)

            formatter: null,
            text: null,                // 文本,如['高', '低'],兼容ec2,text[0]对应高值,text[1]对应低值
            textStyle: {
                color: '#333'          // 值域文字颜色

         * @protected
        init: function (option, parentModel, ecModel) {

             * @private
             * @type {Array.<number>}

             * @readOnly
            this.controllerVisuals = {};

             * @readOnly
            this.targetVisuals = {};

             * @readOnly

             * [width, height]
             * @readOnly
             * @type {Array.<number>}

            this.mergeDefaultAndTheme(option, ecModel);

            this.doMergeOption({}, true);

         * @public
        mergeOption: function (option) {
            VisualMapModel.superApply(this, 'mergeOption', arguments);
            this.doMergeOption(option, false);

         * @protected
        doMergeOption: function (newOption, isInit) {
            var thisOption = this.option;

            !isInit && replaceVisualOption(thisOption, newOption);

            // FIXME
            // necessary?
            // Disable realtime view update if canvas is not supported.
            if (!env.canvasSupported) {
                thisOption.realtime = false;

            this.textStyleModel = this.getModel('textStyle');



         * @example
         * this.formatValueText(someVal); // format single numeric value to text.
         * this.formatValueText(someVal, true); // format single category value to text.
         * this.formatValueText([min, max]); // format numeric min-max to text.
         * this.formatValueText([this.dataBound[0], max]); // using data lower bound.
         * this.formatValueText([min, this.dataBound[1]]); // using data upper bound.
         * @param {number|Array.<number>} value Real value, or this.dataBound[0 or 1].
         * @param {boolean} [isCategory=false] Only available when value is number.
         * @return {string}
         * @protected
        formatValueText: function(value, isCategory) {
            var option = this.option;
            var precision = option.precision;
            var dataBound = this.dataBound;
            var formatter = option.formatter;
            var isMinMax;
            var textValue;

            if (zrUtil.isArray(value)) {
                value = value.slice();
                isMinMax = true;

            textValue = isCategory
                ? value
                : (isMinMax
                    ? [toFixed(value[0]), toFixed(value[1])]
                    : toFixed(value)

            if (zrUtil.isString(formatter)) {
                return formatter
                    .replace('{value}', isMinMax ? textValue[0] : textValue)
                    .replace('{value2}', isMinMax ? textValue[1] : textValue);
            else if (zrUtil.isFunction(formatter)) {
                return isMinMax
                    ? formatter(value[0], value[1])
                    : formatter(value);

            if (isMinMax) {
                if (value[0] === dataBound[0]) {
                    return '< ' + textValue[1];
                else if (value[1] === dataBound[1]) {
                    return '> ' + textValue[0];
                else {
                    return textValue[0] + ' - ' + textValue[1];
            else { // Format single value (includes category case).
                return textValue;

            function toFixed(val) {
                return val === dataBound[0]
                    ? 'min'
                    : val === dataBound[1]
                    ? 'max'
                    : (+val).toFixed(precision);

         * @protected
        resetTargetSeries: function (newOption, isInit) {
            var thisOption = this.option;
            var allSeriesIndex = thisOption.seriesIndex == null;
            thisOption.seriesIndex = allSeriesIndex
                ? [] : modelUtil.normalizeToArray(thisOption.seriesIndex);

            allSeriesIndex && this.ecModel.eachSeries(function (seriesModel, index) {
                var data = seriesModel.getData();
                // FIXME
                // 只考虑了list,还没有考虑map等。

                // FIXME
                // 这里可能应该这么判断:data.dimensions中有超出其所属coordSystem的量。
                if (data.type === 'list') {

         * @protected
        resetExtent: function () {
            var thisOption = this.option;

            // Can not calculate data extent by data here.
            // Because series and data may be modified in processing stage.
            // So we do not support the feature "auto min/max".

            var extent = asc([thisOption.min, thisOption.max]);

            this._dataExtent = extent;

         * @protected
        getDataDimension: function (list) {
            var optDim = this.option.dimension;
            return optDim != null
                ? optDim : list.dimensions.length - 1;

         * @public
         * @override
        getExtent: function () {
            return this._dataExtent.slice();

         * @protected
        resetVisual: function (fillVisualOption) {
            var dataExtent = this.getExtent();

            doReset.call(this, 'controller', this.controllerVisuals);
            doReset.call(this, 'target', this.targetVisuals);

            function doReset(baseAttr, visualMappings) {
                each(this.stateList, function (state) {

                    var mappings = visualMappings[state] || (
                        visualMappings[state] = createMappings()
                    var visaulOption = this.option[baseAttr][state] || {};

                    each(visaulOption, function (visualData, visualType) {
                        if (!VisualMapping.isValidType(visualType)) {
                        var mappingOption = {
                            type: visualType,
                            dataExtent: dataExtent,
                            visual: visualData
                        fillVisualOption && fillVisualOption.call(this, mappingOption, state);
                        mappings[visualType] = new VisualMapping(mappingOption);

                        // Prepare a alpha for opacity, for some case that opacity
                        // is not supported, such as rendering using gradient color.
                        if (baseAttr === 'controller' && visualType === 'opacity') {
                            mappingOption = zrUtil.clone(mappingOption);
                            mappingOption.type = 'colorAlpha';
                            mappings.__hidden.__alphaForOpacity = new VisualMapping(mappingOption);
                    }, this);
                }, this);

            function createMappings() {
                var Creater = function () {};
                // Make sure hidden fields will not be visited by
                // object iteration (with hasOwnProperty checking).
                Creater.prototype.__hidden = Creater.prototype;
                var obj = new Creater();
                return obj;

         * @protected
        completeVisualOption: function () {
            var thisOption = this.option;
            var base = {inRange: thisOption.inRange, outOfRange: thisOption.outOfRange};

            var target = thisOption.target || (thisOption.target = {});
            var controller = thisOption.controller || (thisOption.controller = {});

            zrUtil.merge(target, base); // Do not override
            zrUtil.merge(controller, base); // Do not override

            var isCategory = this.isCategory();

            completeSingle.call(this, target);
            completeSingle.call(this, controller);
            completeInactive.call(this, target, 'inRange', 'outOfRange');
            completeInactive.call(this, target, 'outOfRange', 'inRange');
            completeController.call(this, controller);

            function completeSingle(base) {
                // Compatible with ec2 dataRange.color.
                // The mapping order of dataRange.color is: [high value, ..., low value]
                // whereas inRange.color and outOfRange.color is [low value, ..., high value]
                // Notice: ec2 has no inverse.
                if (isArray(thisOption.color)
                    // If there has been inRange: {symbol: ...}, adding color is a mistake.
                    // So adding color only when no inRange defined.
                    && !base.inRange
                ) {
                    base.inRange = {color: thisOption.color.slice().reverse()};

                // If using shortcut like: {inRange: 'symbol'}, complete default value.
                each(this.stateList, function (state) {
                    var visualType = base[state];

                    if (zrUtil.isString(visualType)) {
                        var defa = visualDefault.get(visualType, 'active', isCategory);
                        if (defa) {
                            base[state] = {};
                            base[state][visualType] = defa;
                        else {
                            // Mark as not specified.
                            delete base[state];
                }, this);

            function completeInactive(base, stateExist, stateAbsent) {
                var optExist = base[stateExist];
                var optAbsent = base[stateAbsent];

                if (optExist && !optAbsent) {
                    optAbsent = base[stateAbsent] = {};
                    each(optExist, function (visualData, visualType) {
                        if (!VisualMapping.isValidType(visualType)) {

                        var defa = visualDefault.get(visualType, 'inactive', isCategory);

                        if (defa != null) {
                            optAbsent[visualType] = defa;

                            // Compatibable with ec2:
                            // Only inactive color to rgba(0,0,0,0) can not
                            // make label transparent, so use opacity also.
                            if (visualType === 'color'
                                && !optAbsent.hasOwnProperty('opacity')
                                && !optAbsent.hasOwnProperty('colorAlpha')
                            ) {
                                optAbsent.opacity = [0, 0];

            function completeController(controller) {
                var symbolExists = (controller.inRange || {}).symbol
                    || (controller.outOfRange || {}).symbol;
                var symbolSizeExists = (controller.inRange || {}).symbolSize
                    || (controller.outOfRange || {}).symbolSize;
                var inactiveColor = this.get('inactiveColor');

                each(this.stateList, function (state) {

                    var itemSize = this.itemSize;
                    var visuals = controller[state];

                    // Set inactive color for controller if no other color
                    // attr (like colorAlpha) specified.
                    if (!visuals) {
                        visuals = controller[state] = {
                            color: isCategory ? inactiveColor : [inactiveColor]

                    // Consistent symbol and symbolSize if not specified.
                    if (visuals.symbol == null) {
                        visuals.symbol = symbolExists
                            && zrUtil.clone(symbolExists)
                            || (isCategory ? 'roundRect' : ['roundRect']);
                    if (visuals.symbolSize == null) {
                        visuals.symbolSize = symbolSizeExists
                            && zrUtil.clone(symbolSizeExists)
                            || (isCategory ? itemSize[0] : [itemSize[0], itemSize[0]]);

                    // Filter square and none.
                    visuals.symbol = mapVisual(visuals.symbol, function (symbol) {
                        return (symbol === 'none' || symbol === 'square') ? 'roundRect' : symbol;

                    // Normalize symbolSize
                    var symbolSize = visuals.symbolSize;

                    if (symbolSize != null) {
                        var max = -Infinity;
                        // symbolSize can be object when categories defined.
                        eachVisual(symbolSize, function (value) {
                            value > max && (max = value);
                        visuals.symbolSize = mapVisual(symbolSize, function (value) {
                            return linearMap(value, [0, max], [0, itemSize[0]], true);

                }, this);

         * @public
        eachTargetSeries: function (callback, context) {
            zrUtil.each(this.option.seriesIndex, function (seriesIndex) {
                callback.call(context, this.ecModel.getSeriesByIndex(seriesIndex));
            }, this);

         * @public
        isCategory: function () {
            return !!this.option.categories;

         * @protected
        resetItemSize: function () {
            this.itemSize = [

         * @public
         * @abstract
        setSelected: zrUtil.noop,

         * @public
         * @abstract
        getValueState: zrUtil.noop


    function replaceVisualOption(thisOption, newOption) {
        // Visual attributes merge is not supported, otherwise it
        // brings overcomplicated merge logic. See #2853. So if
        // newOption has anyone of these keys, all of these keys
        // will be reset. Otherwise, all keys remain.
        var visualKeys = [
            'inRange', 'outOfRange', 'target', 'controller', 'color'
        var has;
        zrUtil.each(visualKeys, function (key) {
            if (newOption.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                has = true;
        has && zrUtil.each(visualKeys, function (key) {
            if (newOption.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                thisOption[key] = zrUtil.clone(newOption[key]);
            else {
                delete thisOption[key];

    return VisualMapModel;
