#!/usr/bin/python -t
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""Various utility functions, and a utility class."""
import os
import sys
import time
import exceptions
import yum
from cli import *
from yum import Errors
from yum import _
from yum.i18n import utf8_width, exception2msg
from yum import logginglevels
from optparse import OptionGroup
import yum.plugins as plugins
from urlgrabber.progress import format_number
_USER_HZ = os.sysconf(os.sysconf_names['SC_CLK_TCK'])
except (AttributeError, KeyError):
# Huh, non-Unix platform? Or just really old?
_USER_HZ = 100
def suppress_keyboard_interrupt_message():
"""Change settings so that nothing will be printed to the
terminal after an uncaught :class:`exceptions.KeyboardInterrupt`.
old_excepthook = sys.excepthook
def new_hook(type, value, traceback):
if type != exceptions.KeyboardInterrupt:
old_excepthook(type, value, traceback)
sys.excepthook = new_hook
def jiffies_to_seconds(jiffies):
"""Convert a number of jiffies to seconds. How many jiffies are in a second
is system-dependent, e.g. 100 jiffies = 1 second is common.
:param jiffies: a number of jiffies
:return: the equivalent number of seconds
return int(jiffies) / _USER_HZ
def seconds_to_ui_time(seconds):
"""Return a human-readable string representation of the length of
a time interval given in seconds.
:param seconds: the length of the time interval in seconds
:return: a human-readable string representation of the length of
the time interval
if seconds >= 60 * 60 * 24:
return "%d day(s) %d:%02d:%02d" % (seconds / (60 * 60 * 24),
(seconds / (60 * 60)) % 24,
(seconds / 60) % 60,
seconds % 60)
if seconds >= 60 * 60:
return "%d:%02d:%02d" % (seconds / (60 * 60), (seconds / 60) % 60,
(seconds % 60))
return "%02d:%02d" % ((seconds / 60), seconds % 60)
def get_process_info(pid):
"""Return information about a process taken from
/proc/*pid*/status, /proc/stat/, and /proc/*pid*/stat.
:param pid: the process id number
:return: a dictionary containing information about the process
if not pid:
pid = int(pid)
except ValueError, e:
ps = {}
for line in open("/proc/%d/status" % pid):
if line[-1] != '\n':
data = line[:-1].split(':\t', 1)
if len(data) < 2:
if data[1].endswith(' kB'):
data[1] = data[1][:-3]
ps[data[0].strip().lower()] = data[1].strip()
if 'vmrss' not in ps:
if 'vmsize' not in ps:
boot_time = get_boot_time()
if boot_time is None:
ps.update(get_process_time(pid, boot_time))
return ps
def get_boot_time():
for line in open("/proc/stat"):
if line.startswith("btime "):
return int(line[len("btime "):-1])
def get_process_time(pid, boot_time):
ps = {}
ps_stat = open("/proc/%d/stat" % pid).read().strip()
# Filename of the executable might contain spaces, so we throw it away
ps_stat = ps_stat[ps_stat.rfind(')') + 2:].split()
ps['utime'] = jiffies_to_seconds(ps_stat[11])
ps['stime'] = jiffies_to_seconds(ps_stat[12])
ps['cutime'] = jiffies_to_seconds(ps_stat[13])
ps['cstime'] = jiffies_to_seconds(ps_stat[14])
ps['start_time'] = boot_time + jiffies_to_seconds(ps_stat[19])
ps['state'] = {'R' : _('Running'),
'S' : _('Sleeping'),
'D' : _('Uninterruptible'),
'Z' : _('Zombie'),
'T' : _('Traced/Stopped')
}.get(ps_stat[0], _('Unknown'))
return ps
def show_lock_owner(pid, logger):
"""Output information about another process that is holding the
yum lock.
:param pid: the process id number of the process holding the yum
:param logger: the logger to output the information to
:return: a dictionary containing information about the process.
This is the same as the dictionary returned by
ps = get_process_info(pid)
except IOError, e:
logger.critical("%s", exception2msg(e))
ps = None
if not ps:
return None
# This yumBackend isn't very friendly, so...
if ps['name'] == 'yumBackend.py':
nmsg = _(" The other application is: PackageKit")
nmsg = _(" The other application is: %s") % ps['name']
logger.critical("%s", nmsg)
logger.critical(_(" Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)") %
(format_number(int(ps['vmrss']) * 1024),
format_number(int(ps['vmsize']) * 1024)))
ago = seconds_to_ui_time(int(time.time()) - ps['start_time'])
logger.critical(_(" Started: %s - %s ago") %
(time.ctime(ps['start_time']), ago))
logger.critical(_(" State : %s, pid: %d") % (ps['state'], pid))
return ps
class YumUtilBase(YumBaseCli):
"""A class to extend the yum cli for utilities."""
def __init__(self,name,ver,usage):
self._parser = YumOptionParser(base=self,utils=True,usage=usage)
self._usage = usage
self._utilName = name
self._utilVer = ver
self._option_group = OptionGroup(self._parser, "%s options" % self._utilName,"")
logger = logging.getLogger("yum.util")
verbose_logger = logging.getLogger("yum.verbose.util")
# Add yum-utils version to history records.
if hasattr(self, 'run_with_package_names'):
def exUserCancel(self):
"""Output a message stating that the operation was cancelled
by the user.
:return: the exit code
self.logger.critical(_('\n\nExiting on user cancel'))
if self.unlock(): return 200
return 1
def exIOError(self, e):
"""Output a message stating that the program is exiting due to
an IO exception.
:param e: the IO exception
:return: the exit code
if e.errno == 32:
self.logger.critical(_('\n\nExiting on Broken Pipe'))
self.logger.critical(_('\n\n%s') % exception2msg(e))
if self.unlock(): return 200
return 1
def exPluginExit(self, e):
"""Called when a plugin raises
:class:`yum.plugins.PluginYumExit`. Log the plugin's exit
message if one was supplied.
:param e: the exception
:return: the exit code
""" # ' xemacs hack
exitmsg = exception2msg(e)
if exitmsg:
self.logger.warn('\n\n%s', exitmsg)
if self.unlock(): return 200
return 1
def exFatal(self, e):
"""Output a message stating that a fatal error has occurred.
:param e: the exception
:return: the exit code
self.logger.critical('\n\n%s', exception2msg(e))
if self.unlock(): return 200
return 1
def unlock(self):
"""Release the yum lock.
:return: the exit code
except Errors.LockError, e:
return 200
return 0
def getOptionParser(self):
"""Return the :class:`cli.YumOptionParser` for this object.
:return: the :class:`cli.YumOptionParser` for this object
return self._parser
def getOptionGroup(self):
"""Return an option group to add non inherited options.
:return: a :class:`optparse.OptionGroup` for adding options
that are not inherited from :class:`YumBaseCli`.
return self._option_group
def _printUtilVersion(self):
print "%s - %s (yum - %s)" % (self._utilName,self._utilVer,yum.__version__)
def doUtilConfigSetup(self,args = sys.argv[1:],pluginsTypes=(plugins.TYPE_CORE,)):
"""Parse command line options, and perform configuration.
:param args: list of arguments to use for configuration
:param pluginsTypes: a sequence specifying the types of
plugins to load
:return: a dictionary containing the values of command line options
# Parse only command line options that affect basic yum setup
opts = self._parser.firstParse(args)
# go through all the setopts and set the global ones
if self.main_setopts:
for opt in self.main_setopts.items:
setattr(opts, opt, getattr(self.main_setopts, opt))
# Just print out the version if that's what the user wanted
if opts.version:
# get the install root to use
root = self._parser.getRoot(opts)
if opts.quiet:
opts.debuglevel = 0
if opts.verbose:
opts.debuglevel = opts.errorlevel = 6
# Read up configuration options and initialise plugins
pc = self.preconf
pc.fn = opts.conffile
pc.root = root
pc.init_plugins = not opts.noplugins
pc.plugin_types = pluginsTypes
pc.optparser = self._parser
pc.debuglevel = opts.debuglevel
pc.errorlevel = opts.errorlevel
if hasattr(opts, "disableplugins"):
pc.disabled_plugins =self._parser._splitArg(opts.disableplugins)
if hasattr(opts, "enableplugins"):
pc.enabled_plugins = self._parser._splitArg(opts.enableplugins)
if hasattr(opts, "releasever"):
pc.releasever = opts.releasever
# now set all the non-first-start opts from main from our setopts
if self.main_setopts:
for opt in self.main_setopts.items:
setattr(self.conf, opt, getattr(self.main_setopts, opt))
except Errors.ConfigError, e:
self.logger.critical(_('Config Error: %s'), exception2msg(e))
except ValueError, e:
self.logger.critical(_('Options Error: %s'), exception2msg(e))
except plugins.PluginYumExit, e:
self.logger.critical(_('PluginExit Error: %s'), exception2msg(e))
except Errors.YumBaseError, e:
self.logger.critical(_('Yum Error: %s'), exception2msg(e))
# update usage in case plugins have added commands
# Now parse the command line for real and
# apply some of the options to self.conf
(opts, self.cmds) = self._parser.setupYumConfig()
if self.cmds:
self.basecmd = self.cmds[0] # our base command
self.basecmd = None
self.extcmds = self.cmds[1:] # out extended arguments/commands
return opts
def doUtilYumSetup(self):
"""Do a default setup for all the normal or necessary yum components;
this method is mostly just a used for testing.
# FIXME - we need another way to do this, I think.
self._getRepos(doSetup = True)
except Errors.YumBaseError, msg:
def doUtilBuildTransaction(self, unfinished_transactions_check=True):
"""Build the transaction.
:param unfinished_transactions_check: whether to check if an
unfinished transaction has been saved
(result, resultmsgs) = self.buildTransaction(unfinished_transactions_check = unfinished_transactions_check)
except plugins.PluginYumExit, e:
return self.exPluginExit(e)
except Errors.YumBaseError, e:
result = 1
resultmsgs = [exception2msg(e)]
except KeyboardInterrupt:
return self.exUserCancel()
except IOError, e:
return self.exIOError(e)
# Act on the depsolve result
if result == 0:
# Normal exit
if self.unlock(): return 200
return 0
elif result == 1:
# Fatal error
for prefix, msg in self.pretty_output_restring(resultmsgs):
self.logger.critical(prefix, msg)
if not self.conf.skip_broken:
self.verbose_logger.info(_(" You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"))
if not self._rpmdb_warn_checks(out=self.verbose_logger.info, warn=False):
self.verbose_logger.info(_(" You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"))
if self.unlock(): return 200
return 1
elif result == 2:
# Continue on
self.logger.critical(_('Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:'), result)
for msg in resultmsgs:
if self.unlock(): return 200
return 3
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2, _('\nDependencies Resolved'))
def doUtilTransaction(self):
"""Perform the transaction."""
return_code = self.doTransaction()
except plugins.PluginYumExit, e:
return self.exPluginExit(e)
except Errors.YumBaseError, e:
return self.exFatal(e)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
return self.exUserCancel()
except IOError, e:
return self.exIOError(e,)
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2, _('Complete!'))
if self.unlock(): return 200
return return_code
def main():
name = 'testutil'
ver = '0.1'
usage = 'testutil [options] [args]'
util = YumUtilBase(name,ver,usage)
parser = util.getOptionParser()
parser.add_option("", "--myoption", dest="myoption",
action="store_true", default=False,
help="This is an util option")
util.logger.info("Setup Yum Config")
opts = util.doUtilConfigSetup()
util.logger.info("Setup Yum")
print "Command line args: %s" % " ".join(util.cmds)
print "Command line options :"
print opts
util.logger.info("%s Completed" % name)
if __name__ == '__main__':