package ExtUtils::ParseXS;
use strict;
use 5.006001;
use Cwd;
use Config;
use Exporter;
use File::Basename;
use File::Spec;
use Symbol;
$VERSION = '3.18';
use ExtUtils::ParseXS::Constants $VERSION;
use ExtUtils::ParseXS::CountLines $VERSION;
use ExtUtils::ParseXS::Utilities $VERSION;
$VERSION = eval $VERSION if $VERSION =~ /_/;
use ExtUtils::ParseXS::Utilities qw(
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
# The scalars in the line below remain as 'our' variables because pulling
# them into $self led to build problems. In most cases, strings being
# 'eval'-ed contain the variables' names hard-coded.
our (
$Package, $func_name, $Full_func_name, $pname, $ALIAS,
our $self = bless {} => __PACKAGE__;
sub process_file {
# Allow for $package->process_file(%hash) in the future
my ($pkg, %options) = @_ % 2 ? @_ : (__PACKAGE__, @_);
$self->{ProtoUsed} = exists $options{prototypes};
# Set defaults.
my %args = (
argtypes => 1,
csuffix => '.c',
except => 0,
hiertype => 0,
inout => 1,
linenumbers => 1,
optimize => 1,
output => \*STDOUT,
prototypes => 0,
typemap => [],
versioncheck => 1,
FH => Symbol::gensym(),
$args{except} = $args{except} ? ' TRY' : '';
# Global Constants
my ($Is_VMS, $SymSet);
if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
$Is_VMS = 1;
# Establish set of global symbols with max length 28, since xsubpp
# will later add the 'XS_' prefix.
require ExtUtils::XSSymSet;
$SymSet = ExtUtils::XSSymSet->new(28);
@{ $self->{XSStack} } = ({type => 'none'});
$self->{InitFileCode} = [ @ExtUtils::ParseXS::Constants::InitFileCode ];
$self->{Overload} = 0;
$self->{errors} = 0;
$self->{Fallback} = '&PL_sv_undef';
# Most of the 1500 lines below uses these globals. We'll have to
# clean this up sometime, probably. For now, we just pull them out
# of %args. -Ken
$self->{hiertype} = $args{hiertype};
$self->{WantPrototypes} = $args{prototypes};
$self->{WantVersionChk} = $args{versioncheck};
$self->{WantLineNumbers} = $args{linenumbers};
$self->{IncludedFiles} = {};
die "Missing required parameter 'filename'" unless $args{filename};
$self->{filepathname} = $args{filename};
($self->{dir}, $self->{filename}) =
(dirname($args{filename}), basename($args{filename}));
$self->{filepathname} =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
# Open the output file if given as a string. If they provide some
# other kind of reference, trust them that we can print to it.
if (not ref $args{output}) {
open my($fh), "> $args{output}" or die "Can't create $args{output}: $!";
$args{outfile} = $args{output};
$args{output} = $fh;
# Really, we shouldn't have to chdir() or select() in the first
# place. For now, just save and restore.
my $orig_cwd = cwd();
my $orig_fh = select();
my $pwd = cwd();
my $csuffix = $args{csuffix};
if ($self->{WantLineNumbers}) {
my $cfile;
if ( $args{outfile} ) {
$cfile = $args{outfile};
else {
$cfile = $args{filename};
$cfile =~ s/\.xs$/$csuffix/i or $cfile .= $csuffix;
tie(*PSEUDO_STDOUT, 'ExtUtils::ParseXS::CountLines', $cfile, $args{output});
else {
select $args{output};
$self->{typemap} = process_typemaps( $args{typemap}, $pwd );
my $END = "!End!\n\n"; # "impossible" keyword (multiple newline)
# Match an XS keyword
$self->{BLOCK_re} = '\s*(' .
join('|' => @ExtUtils::ParseXS::Constants::XSKeywords) .
our ($C_group_rex, $C_arg);
# Group in C (no support for comments or literals)
$C_group_rex = qr/ [({\[]
(?: (?> [^()\[\]{}]+ ) | (??{ $C_group_rex }) )*
[)}\]] /x;
# Chunk in C without comma at toplevel (no comments):
$C_arg = qr/ (?: (?> [^()\[\]{},"']+ )
| (??{ $C_group_rex })
| " (?: (?> [^\\"]+ )
| \\.
)* " # String literal
| ' (?: (?> [^\\']+ ) | \\. )* ' # Char literal
)* /xs;
# Since at this point we're ready to begin printing to the output file and
# reading from the input file, I want to get as much data as possible into
# the proto-object $self. That means assigning to $self and elements of
# %args referenced below this point.
# HOWEVER: This resulted in an error when I tried:
# $args{'s'} ---> $self->{s}.
# Use of uninitialized value in quotemeta at
# .../blib/lib/ExtUtils/ line 733
foreach my $datum ( qw| argtypes except inout optimize | ) {
$self->{$datum} = $args{$datum};
# Identify the version of xsubpp used
print <<EOM;
* This file was generated automatically by ExtUtils::ParseXS version $VERSION from the
* contents of $self->{filename}. Do not edit this file, edit $self->{filename} instead.
print("#line 1 \"" . escape_file_for_line_directive($self->{filepathname}) . "\"\n")
if $self->{WantLineNumbers};
# Open the input file (using $self->{filename} which
# is a basename'd $args{filename} due to chdir above)
open($self->{FH}, '<', $self->{filename}) or die "cannot open $self->{filename}: $!\n";
while (readline($self->{FH})) {
if (/^=/) {
my $podstartline = $.;
do {
if (/^=cut\s*$/) {
# We can't just write out a /* */ comment, as our embedded
# POD might itself be in a comment. We can't put a /**/
# comment inside #if 0, as the C standard says that the source
# file is decomposed into preprocessing characters in the stage
# before preprocessing commands are executed.
# I don't want to leave the text as barewords, because the spec
# isn't clear whether macros are expanded before or after
# preprocessing commands are executed, and someone pathological
# may just have defined one of the 3 words as a macro that does
# something strange. Multiline strings are illegal in C, so
# the "" we write must be a string literal. And they aren't
# concatenated until 2 steps later, so we are safe.
# - Nicholas Clark
print("#if 0\n \"Skipped embedded POD.\"\n#endif\n");
printf("#line %d \"%s\"\n", $. + 1, escape_file_for_line_directive($self->{filepathname}))
if $self->{WantLineNumbers};
next firstmodule
} while (readline($self->{FH}));
# At this point $. is at end of file so die won't state the start
# of the problem, and as we haven't yet read any lines &death won't
# show the correct line in the message either.
die ("Error: Unterminated pod in $self->{filename}, line $podstartline\n")
unless $self->{lastline};
last if ($Package, $self->{Prefix}) =
print $_;
unless (defined $_) {
warn "Didn't find a 'MODULE ... PACKAGE ... PREFIX' line\n";
exit 0; # Not a fatal error for the caller process
print 'ExtUtils::ParseXS::CountLines'->end_marker, "\n" if $self->{WantLineNumbers};
print 'ExtUtils::ParseXS::CountLines'->end_marker, "\n" if $self->{WantLineNumbers};
$self->{lastline} = $_;
$self->{lastline_no} = $.;
my $BootCode_ref = [];
my $XSS_work_idx = 0;
my $cpp_next_tmp = 'XSubPPtmpAAAA';
while ($self->fetch_para()) {
my $outlist_ref = [];
# Print initial preprocessor statements and blank lines
while (@{ $self->{line} } && $self->{line}->[0] !~ /^[^\#]/) {
my $ln = shift(@{ $self->{line} });
print $ln, "\n";
next unless $ln =~ /^\#\s*((if)(?:n?def)?|elsif|else|endif)\b/;
my $statement = $+;
( $self, $XSS_work_idx, $BootCode_ref ) =
$self, $statement, $XSS_work_idx, $BootCode_ref
next PARAGRAPH unless @{ $self->{line} };
if ($XSS_work_idx && !$self->{XSStack}->[$XSS_work_idx]{varname}) {
# We are inside an #if, but have not yet #defined its xsubpp variable.
print "#define $cpp_next_tmp 1\n\n";
push(@{ $self->{InitFileCode} }, "#if $cpp_next_tmp\n");
push(@{ $BootCode_ref }, "#if $cpp_next_tmp");
$self->{XSStack}->[$XSS_work_idx]{varname} = $cpp_next_tmp++;
"Code is not inside a function"
." (maybe last function was ended by a blank line "
." followed by a statement on column one?)")
if $self->{line}->[0] =~ /^\s/;
# initialize info arrays
foreach my $member (qw(args_match var_types defaults arg_list
argtype_seen in_out lengthof))
$self->{$member} = {};
$self->{proto_arg} = [];
$self->{processing_arg_with_types} = undef;
$self->{proto_in_this_xsub} = undef;
$self->{scope_in_this_xsub} = undef;
$self->{interface} = undef;
$self->{interface_macro} = 'XSINTERFACE_FUNC';
$self->{interface_macro_set} = 'XSINTERFACE_FUNC_SET';
$self->{ProtoThisXSUB} = $self->{WantPrototypes};
$self->{ScopeThisXSUB} = 0;
my $xsreturn = 0;
$_ = shift(@{ $self->{line} });
my $method = $kwd . "_handler";
next PARAGRAPH unless @{ $self->{line} };
$_ = shift(@{ $self->{line} });
if ($self->check_keyword("BOOT")) {
push (@{ $BootCode_ref }, "#line $self->{line_no}->[@{ $self->{line_no} } - @{ $self->{line} }] \""
. escape_file_for_line_directive($self->{filepathname}) . "\"")
if $self->{WantLineNumbers} && $self->{line}->[0] !~ /^\s*#\s*line\b/;
push (@{ $BootCode_ref }, @{ $self->{line} }, "");
# extract return type, function name and arguments
($self->{ret_type}) = tidy_type($_);
my $RETVAL_no_return = 1 if $self->{ret_type} =~ s/^NO_OUTPUT\s+//;
# Allow one-line ANSI-like declaration
unshift @{ $self->{line} }, $2
if $self->{argtypes}
and $self->{ret_type} =~ s/^(.*?\w.*?)\s*\b(\w+\s*\(.*)/$1/s;
# a function definition needs at least 2 lines
$self->blurt("Error: Function definition too short '$self->{ret_type}'"), next PARAGRAPH
unless @{ $self->{line} };
my $externC = 1 if $self->{ret_type} =~ s/^extern "C"\s+//;
my $static = 1 if $self->{ret_type} =~ s/^static\s+//;
my $func_header = shift(@{ $self->{line} });
$self->blurt("Error: Cannot parse function definition from '$func_header'"), next PARAGRAPH
unless $func_header =~ /^(?:([\w:]*)::)?(\w+)\s*\(\s*(.*?)\s*\)\s*(const)?\s*(;\s*)?$/s;
my ($class, $orig_args);
($class, $func_name, $orig_args) = ($1, $2, $3);
$class = "$4 $class" if $4;
($pname = $func_name) =~ s/^($self->{Prefix})?/$self->{Packprefix}/;
my $clean_func_name;
($clean_func_name = $func_name) =~ s/^$self->{Prefix}//;
$Full_func_name = "$self->{Packid}_$clean_func_name";
if ($Is_VMS) {
$Full_func_name = $SymSet->addsym($Full_func_name);
# Check for duplicate function definition
for my $tmp (@{ $self->{XSStack} }) {
next unless defined $tmp->{functions}{$Full_func_name};
Warn( $self, "Warning: duplicate function definition '$clean_func_name' detected");
%{ $self->{XsubAliases} } = ();
%{ $self->{XsubAliasValues} } = ();
%{ $self->{Interfaces} } = ();
@{ $self->{Attributes} } = ();
$self->{DoSetMagic} = 1;
$orig_args =~ s/\\\s*/ /g; # process line continuations
my @args;
my (@fake_INPUT_pre); # For length(s) generated variables
my (@fake_INPUT);
my $only_C_inlist_ref = {}; # Not in the signature of Perl function
if ($self->{argtypes} and $orig_args =~ /\S/) {
my $args = "$orig_args ,";
if ($args =~ /^( (??{ $C_arg }) , )* $ /x) {
@args = ($args =~ /\G ( (??{ $C_arg }) ) , /xg);
for ( @args ) {
my ($arg, $default) = ($_ =~ m/ ( [^=]* ) ( (?: = .* )? ) /x);
my ($pre, $len_name) = ($arg =~ /(.*?) \s*
\b ( \w+ | length\( \s*\w+\s* \) )
\s* $ /x);
next unless defined($pre) && length($pre);
my $out_type = '';
my $inout_var;
if ($self->{inout} and s/^(IN|IN_OUTLIST|OUTLIST|OUT|IN_OUT)\b\s*//) {
my $type = $1;
$out_type = $type if $type ne 'IN';
$arg =~ s/^(IN|IN_OUTLIST|OUTLIST|OUT|IN_OUT)\b\s*//;
$pre =~ s/^(IN|IN_OUTLIST|OUTLIST|OUT|IN_OUT)\b\s*//;
my $islength;
if ($len_name =~ /^length\( \s* (\w+) \s* \)\z/x) {
$len_name = "XSauto_length_of_$1";
$islength = 1;
die "Default value on length() argument: '$_'"
if length $default;
if (length $pre or $islength) { # Has a type
if ($islength) {
push @fake_INPUT_pre, $arg;
else {
push @fake_INPUT, $arg;
# warn "pushing '$arg'\n";
$_ = "$len_name$default"; # Assigns to @args
$only_C_inlist_ref->{$_} = 1 if $out_type eq "OUTLIST" or $islength;
push @{ $outlist_ref }, $len_name if $out_type =~ /OUTLIST$/;
$self->{in_out}->{$len_name} = $out_type if $out_type;
else {
@args = split(/\s*,\s*/, $orig_args);
Warn( $self, "Warning: cannot parse argument list '$orig_args', fallback to split");
else {
@args = split(/\s*,\s*/, $orig_args);
for (@args) {
if ($self->{inout} and s/^(IN|IN_OUTLIST|OUTLIST|IN_OUT|OUT)\b\s*//) {
my $out_type = $1;
next if $out_type eq 'IN';
$only_C_inlist_ref->{$_} = 1 if $out_type eq "OUTLIST";
if ($out_type =~ /OUTLIST$/) {
push @{ $outlist_ref }, undef;
$self->{in_out}->{$_} = $out_type;
if (defined($class)) {
my $arg0 = ((defined($static) or $func_name eq 'new')
? "CLASS" : "THIS");
unshift(@args, $arg0);
my $extra_args = 0;
my @args_num = ();
my $num_args = 0;
my $report_args = '';
my $ellipsis;
foreach my $i (0 .. $#args) {
if ($args[$i] =~ s/\.\.\.//) {
$ellipsis = 1;
if ($args[$i] eq '' && $i == $#args) {
$report_args .= ", ...";
if ($only_C_inlist_ref->{$args[$i]}) {
push @args_num, undef;
else {
push @args_num, ++$num_args;
$report_args .= ", $args[$i]";
if ($args[$i] =~ /^([^=]*[^\s=])\s*=\s*(.*)/s) {
$args[$i] = $1;
$self->{defaults}->{$args[$i]} = $2;
$self->{defaults}->{$args[$i]} =~ s/"/\\"/g;
$self->{proto_arg}->[$i+1] = '$';
my $min_args = $num_args - $extra_args;
$report_args =~ s/"/\\"/g;
$report_args =~ s/^,\s+//;
$self->{func_args} = assign_func_args($self, \@args, $class);
@{ $self->{args_match} }{@args} = @args_num;
my $PPCODE = grep(/^\s*PPCODE\s*:/, @{ $self->{line} });
my $CODE = grep(/^\s*CODE\s*:/, @{ $self->{line} });
# Detect CODE: blocks which use ST(n)= or XST_m*(n,v)
# to set explicit return values.
("@{ $self->{line} }" =~ /(\bST\s*\([^;]*=) | (\bXST_m\w+\s*\()/x ));
# The $ALIAS which follows is only explicitly called within the scope of
# process_file(). In principle, it ought to be a lexical, i.e., 'my
# $ALIAS' like the other nearby variables. However, implementing that
# change produced a slight difference in the resulting .c output in at
# least two distributions: B/BD/BDFOY/Crypt-Rijndael and
# G/GF/GFUJI/Hash-FieldHash. The difference is, arguably, an improvement
# in the resulting C code. Example:
# 388c388
# < GvNAME(CvGV(cv)),
# ---
# > "Crypt::Rijndael::encrypt",
# But at this point we're committed to generating the *same* C code that
# the current version of does. So we're declaring it as 'our'.
$ALIAS = grep(/^\s*ALIAS\s*:/, @{ $self->{line} });
my $INTERFACE = grep(/^\s*INTERFACE\s*:/, @{ $self->{line} });
$xsreturn = 1 if $EXPLICIT_RETURN;
$externC = $externC ? qq[extern "C"] : "";
# print function header
print Q(<<"EOF");
#XS_EUPXS(XS_${Full_func_name}); /* prototype to pass -Wmissing-prototypes */
print Q(<<"EOF") if $ALIAS;
# dXSI32;
print Q(<<"EOF") if $INTERFACE;
# dXSFUNCTION($self->{ret_type});
$self->{cond} = set_cond($ellipsis, $min_args, $num_args);
print Q(<<"EOF") if $self->{except};
# char errbuf[1024];
# *errbuf = '\\0';
if($self->{cond}) {
print Q(<<"EOF");
# if ($self->{cond})
# croak_xs_usage(cv, "$report_args");
else {
# cv likely to be unused
print Q(<<"EOF");
# PERL_UNUSED_VAR(cv); /* -W */
#gcc -Wall: if an xsub has PPCODE is used
#it is possible none of ST, XSRETURN or XSprePUSH macros are used
#hence 'ax' (setup by dXSARGS) is unused
#XXX: could breakup the dXSARGS; into dSP;dMARK;dITEMS
#but such a move could break third-party extensions
print Q(<<"EOF") if $PPCODE;
# PERL_UNUSED_VAR(ax); /* -Wall */
print Q(<<"EOF") if $PPCODE;
# SP -= items;
# Now do a block of some sort.
$self->{condnum} = 0;
$self->{cond} = ''; # last CASE: conditional
push(@{ $self->{line} }, "$END:");
push(@{ $self->{line_no} }, $self->{line_no}->[-1]);
$_ = '';
while (@{ $self->{line} }) {
$self->CASE_handler($_) if $self->check_keyword("CASE");
print Q(<<"EOF");
# $self->{except} [[
# do initialization of input variables
$self->{thisdone} = 0;
$self->{retvaldone} = 0;
$self->{deferred} = "";
%{ $self->{arg_list} } = ();
$self->{gotRETVAL} = 0;
print Q(<<"EOF") if $self->{ScopeThisXSUB};
# [[
if (!$self->{thisdone} && defined($class)) {
if (defined($static) or $func_name eq 'new') {
print "\tchar *";
$self->{var_types}->{"CLASS"} = "char *";
generate_init( {
type => "char *",
num => 1,
var => "CLASS",
printed_name => undef,
} );
else {
print "\t$class *";
$self->{var_types}->{"THIS"} = "$class *";
generate_init( {
type => "$class *",
num => 1,
var => "THIS",
printed_name => undef,
} );
# These are set if OUTPUT is found and/or CODE using RETVAL
$self->{have_OUTPUT} = $self->{have_CODE_with_RETVAL} = 0;
my ($wantRETVAL);
# do code
print "\n\tPerl_croak(aTHX_ \"$pname: not implemented yet\");\n";
$_ = '';
else {
if ($self->{ret_type} ne "void") {
print "\t" . map_type($self, $self->{ret_type}, 'RETVAL') . ";\n"
if !$self->{retvaldone};
$self->{args_match}->{"RETVAL"} = 0;
$self->{var_types}->{"RETVAL"} = $self->{ret_type};
my $outputmap = $self->{typemap}->get_outputmap( ctype => $self->{ret_type} );
print "\tdXSTARG;\n"
if $self->{optimize} and $outputmap and $outputmap->targetable;
if (@fake_INPUT or @fake_INPUT_pre) {
unshift @{ $self->{line} }, @fake_INPUT_pre, @fake_INPUT, $_;
$_ = "";
$self->{processing_arg_with_types} = 1;
print $self->{deferred};
if ($self->check_keyword("PPCODE")) {
$self->death("PPCODE must be last thing") if @{ $self->{line} };
print "\tLEAVE;\n" if $self->{ScopeThisXSUB};
print "\tPUTBACK;\n\treturn;\n";
elsif ($self->check_keyword("CODE")) {
my $consumed_code = $self->print_section();
if ($consumed_code =~ /\bRETVAL\b/) {
$self->{have_CODE_with_RETVAL} = 1;
elsif (defined($class) and $func_name eq "DESTROY") {
print "\n\t";
print "delete THIS;\n";
else {
print "\n\t";
if ($self->{ret_type} ne "void") {
print "RETVAL = ";
$wantRETVAL = 1;
if (defined($static)) {
if ($func_name eq 'new') {
$func_name = "$class";
else {
print "${class}::";
elsif (defined($class)) {
if ($func_name eq 'new') {
$func_name .= " $class";
else {
print "THIS->";
$func_name =~ s/^\Q$args{'s'}//
if exists $args{'s'};
$func_name = 'XSFUNCTION' if $self->{interface};
print "$func_name($self->{func_args});\n";
# do output variables
$self->{gotRETVAL} = 0; # 1 if RETVAL seen in OUTPUT section;
undef $self->{RETVAL_code} ; # code to set RETVAL (from OUTPUT section);
# $wantRETVAL set if 'RETVAL =' autogenerated
($wantRETVAL, $self->{ret_type}) = (0, 'void') if $RETVAL_no_return;
undef %{ $self->{outargs} };
# A CODE section with RETVAL, but no OUTPUT? FAIL!
if ($self->{have_CODE_with_RETVAL} and not $self->{have_OUTPUT} and $self->{ret_type} ne 'void') {
$self->Warn("Warning: Found a 'CODE' section which seems to be using 'RETVAL' but no 'OUTPUT' section.");
generate_output( {
type => $self->{var_types}->{$_},
num => $self->{args_match}->{$_},
var => $_,
do_setmagic => $self->{DoSetMagic},
do_push => undef,
} ) for grep $self->{in_out}->{$_} =~ /OUT$/, keys %{ $self->{in_out} };
my $prepush_done;
# all OUTPUT done, so now push the return value on the stack
if ($self->{gotRETVAL} && $self->{RETVAL_code}) {
print "\t$self->{RETVAL_code}\n";
elsif ($self->{gotRETVAL} || $wantRETVAL) {
my $outputmap = $self->{typemap}->get_outputmap( ctype => $self->{ret_type} );
my $t = $self->{optimize} && $outputmap && $outputmap->targetable;
# Although the '$var' declared in the next line is never explicitly
# used within this 'elsif' block, commenting it out leads to
# disaster, starting with the first 'eval qq' inside the 'elsif' block
# below.
# It appears that this is related to the fact that at this point the
# value of $t is a reference to an array whose [2] element includes
# '$var' as a substring:
# <i> <> <(IV)$var>
my $var = 'RETVAL';
my $type = $self->{ret_type};
if ($t and not $t->{with_size} and $t->{type} eq 'p') {
# PUSHp corresponds to setpvn. Treat setpv directly
my $what = eval qq("$t->{what}");
warn $@ if $@;
print "\tsv_setpv(TARG, $what); XSprePUSH; PUSHTARG;\n";
$prepush_done = 1;
elsif ($t) {
my $what = eval qq("$t->{what}");
warn $@ if $@;
my $tsize = $t->{what_size};
$tsize = '' unless defined $tsize;
$tsize = eval qq("$tsize");
warn $@ if $@;
print "\tXSprePUSH; PUSH$t->{type}($what$tsize);\n";
$prepush_done = 1;
else {
# RETVAL almost never needs SvSETMAGIC()
generate_output( {
type => $self->{ret_type},
num => 0,
var => 'RETVAL',
do_setmagic => 0,
do_push => undef,
} );
$xsreturn = 1 if $self->{ret_type} ne "void";
my $num = $xsreturn;
my $c = @{ $outlist_ref };
print "\tXSprePUSH;" if $c and not $prepush_done;
print "\tEXTEND(SP,$c);\n" if $c;
$xsreturn += $c;
generate_output( {
type => $self->{var_types}->{$_},
num => $num++,
var => $_,
do_setmagic => 0,
do_push => 1,
} ) for @{ $outlist_ref };
# do cleanup
print Q(<<"EOF") if $self->{ScopeThisXSUB};
# ]]
print Q(<<"EOF") if $self->{ScopeThisXSUB} and not $PPCODE;
# print function trailer
print Q(<<"EOF");
# ]]
print Q(<<"EOF") if $self->{except};
# sprintf(errbuf, "%s: %s\\tpropagated", Xname, Xreason);
if ($self->check_keyword("CASE")) {
$self->blurt("Error: No 'CASE:' at top of function")
unless $self->{condnum};
$_ = "CASE: $_"; # Restore CASE: label
last if $_ eq "$END:";
$self->death(/^$self->{BLOCK_re}/o ? "Misplaced '$1:'" : "Junk at end of function ($_)");
print Q(<<"EOF") if $self->{except};
# if (errbuf[0])
# Perl_croak(aTHX_ errbuf);
if ($xsreturn) {
print Q(<<"EOF") unless $PPCODE;
# XSRETURN($xsreturn);
else {
print Q(<<"EOF") unless $PPCODE;
print Q(<<"EOF");
$self->{newXS} = "newXS";
$self->{proto} = "";
# Build the prototype string for the xsub
if ($self->{ProtoThisXSUB}) {
$self->{newXS} = "newXSproto_portable";
if ($self->{ProtoThisXSUB} eq 2) {
# User has specified empty prototype
elsif ($self->{ProtoThisXSUB} eq 1) {
my $s = ';';
if ($min_args < $num_args) {
$s = '';
$self->{proto_arg}->[$min_args] .= ";";
push @{ $self->{proto_arg} }, "$s\@"
if $ellipsis;
$self->{proto} = join ("", grep defined, @{ $self->{proto_arg} } );
else {
# User has specified a prototype
$self->{proto} = $self->{ProtoThisXSUB};
$self->{proto} = qq{, "$self->{proto}"};
if (%{ $self->{XsubAliases} }) {
$self->{XsubAliases}->{$pname} = 0
unless defined $self->{XsubAliases}->{$pname};
while ( my ($xname, $value) = each %{ $self->{XsubAliases} }) {
push(@{ $self->{InitFileCode} }, Q(<<"EOF"));
# cv = $self->{newXS}(\"$xname\", XS_$Full_func_name, file$self->{proto});
# XSANY.any_i32 = $value;
elsif (@{ $self->{Attributes} }) {
push(@{ $self->{InitFileCode} }, Q(<<"EOF"));
# cv = $self->{newXS}(\"$pname\", XS_$Full_func_name, file$self->{proto});
# apply_attrs_string("$Package", cv, "@{ $self->{Attributes} }", 0);
elsif ($self->{interface}) {
while ( my ($yname, $value) = each %{ $self->{Interfaces} }) {
$yname = "$Package\::$yname" unless $yname =~ /::/;
push(@{ $self->{InitFileCode} }, Q(<<"EOF"));
# cv = $self->{newXS}(\"$yname\", XS_$Full_func_name, file$self->{proto});
# $self->{interface_macro_set}(cv,$value);
elsif($self->{newXS} eq 'newXS'){ # work around P5NCI's empty newXS macro
push(@{ $self->{InitFileCode} },
" $self->{newXS}(\"$pname\", XS_$Full_func_name, file$self->{proto});\n");
else {
push(@{ $self->{InitFileCode} },
" (void)$self->{newXS}(\"$pname\", XS_$Full_func_name, file$self->{proto});\n");
} # END 'PARAGRAPH' 'while' loop
if ($self->{Overload}) { # make it findable with fetchmethod
print Q(<<"EOF");
#XS_EUPXS(XS_$self->{Packid}_nil); /* prototype to pass -Wmissing-prototypes */
unshift(@{ $self->{InitFileCode} }, <<"MAKE_FETCHMETHOD_WORK");
/* Making a sub named "${Package}::()" allows the package */
/* to be findable via fetchmethod(), and causes */
/* overload::Overloaded("${Package}") to return true. */
(void)$self->{newXS}("${Package}::()", XS_$self->{Packid}_nil, file$self->{proto});
# print initialization routine
print Q(<<"EOF");
##ifdef __cplusplus
#extern "C"
print Q(<<"EOF");
#XS_EXTERNAL(boot_$self->{Module_cname}); /* prototype to pass -Wmissing-prototypes */
print Q(<<"EOF");
#Under 5.8.x and lower, newXS is declared in proto.h as expecting a non-const
#file name argument. If the wrong qualifier is used, it causes breakage with
#C++ compilers and warnings with recent gcc.
#-Wall: if there is no $Full_func_name there are no xsubs in this .xs
#so 'file' is unused
print Q(<<"EOF") if $Full_func_name;
# char* file = __FILE__;
# const char* file = __FILE__;
print Q("#\n");
print Q(<<"EOF");
# PERL_UNUSED_VAR(cv); /* -W */
# PERL_UNUSED_VAR(items); /* -W */
print Q(<<"EOF") if $self->{WantVersionChk};
print Q(<<"EOF") if defined $self->{xsubaliases} or defined $self->{interfaces};
# {
# CV * cv;
print Q(<<"EOF") if ($self->{Overload});
# /* register the overloading (type 'A') magic */
# PL_amagic_generation++;
# /* The magic for overload gets a GV* via gv_fetchmeth as */
# /* mentioned above, and looks in the SV* slot of it for */
# /* the "fallback" status. */
# sv_setsv(
# get_sv( "${Package}::()", TRUE ),
# $self->{Fallback}
# );
print @{ $self->{InitFileCode} };
print Q(<<"EOF") if defined $self->{xsubaliases} or defined $self->{interfaces};
# }
if (@{ $BootCode_ref }) {
print "\n /* Initialisation Section */\n\n";
@{ $self->{line} } = @{ $BootCode_ref };
print "\n /* End of Initialisation Section */\n\n";
print Q(<<'EOF');
##if (PERL_REVISION == 5 && PERL_VERSION >= 9)
# if (PL_unitcheckav)
# call_list(PL_scopestack_ix, PL_unitcheckav);
print Q(<<"EOF");
warn("Please specify prototyping behavior for $self->{filename} (see perlxs manual)\n")
unless $self->{ProtoUsed};
close $self->{FH};
return 1;
sub report_error_count { $self->{errors} }
# Input: ($self, $_, @{ $self->{line} }) == unparsed input.
# Output: ($_, @{ $self->{line} }) == (rest of line, following lines).
# Return: the matched keyword if found, otherwise 0
sub check_keyword {
my $self = shift;
$_ = shift(@{ $self->{line} }) while !/\S/ && @{ $self->{line} };
s/^(\s*)($_[0])\s*:\s*(?:#.*)?/$1/s && $2;
sub print_section {
my $self = shift;
# the "do" is required for right semantics
do { $_ = shift(@{ $self->{line} }) } while !/\S/ && @{ $self->{line} };
my $consumed_code = '';
print("#line ", $self->{line_no}->[@{ $self->{line_no} } - @{ $self->{line} } -1], " \"",
escape_file_for_line_directive($self->{filepathname}), "\"\n")
if $self->{WantLineNumbers} && !/^\s*#\s*line\b/ && !/^#if XSubPPtmp/;
for (; defined($_) && !/^$self->{BLOCK_re}/o; $_ = shift(@{ $self->{line} })) {
print "$_\n";
$consumed_code .= "$_\n";
print 'ExtUtils::ParseXS::CountLines'->end_marker, "\n" if $self->{WantLineNumbers};
return $consumed_code;
sub merge_section {
my $self = shift;
my $in = '';
while (!/\S/ && @{ $self->{line} }) {
$_ = shift(@{ $self->{line} });
for (; defined($_) && !/^$self->{BLOCK_re}/o; $_ = shift(@{ $self->{line} })) {
$in .= "$_\n";
chomp $in;
return $in;
sub process_keyword {
my($self, $pattern) = @_;
while (my $kwd = $self->check_keyword($pattern)) {
my $method = $kwd . "_handler";
sub CASE_handler {
my $self = shift;
$_ = shift;
$self->blurt("Error: 'CASE:' after unconditional 'CASE:'")
if $self->{condnum} && $self->{cond} eq '';
$self->{cond} = $_;
print " ", ($self->{condnum}++ ? " else" : ""), ($self->{cond} ? " if ($self->{cond})\n" : "\n");
$_ = '';
sub INPUT_handler {
my $self = shift;
$_ = shift;
for (; !/^$self->{BLOCK_re}/o; $_ = shift(@{ $self->{line} })) {
last if /^\s*NOT_IMPLEMENTED_YET/;
next unless /\S/; # skip blank lines
my $ln = $_;
# remove trailing semicolon if no initialisation
s/\s*;$//g unless /[=;+].*\S/;
# Process the length(foo) declarations
if (s/^([^=]*)\blength\(\s*(\w+)\s*\)\s*$/$1 XSauto_length_of_$2=NO_INIT/x) {
print "\tSTRLEN\tSTRLEN_length_of_$2;\n";
$self->{lengthof}->{$2} = undef;
$self->{deferred} .= "\n\tXSauto_length_of_$2 = STRLEN_length_of_$2;\n";
# check for optional initialisation code
my $var_init = '';
$var_init = $1 if s/\s*([=;+].*)$//s;
$var_init =~ s/"/\\"/g;
# *sigh* It's valid to supply explicit input typemaps in the argument list...
my $is_overridden_typemap = $var_init =~ /ST\s*\(|\$arg\b/;
s/\s+/ /g;
my ($var_type, $var_addr, $var_name) = /^(.*?[^&\s])\s*(\&?)\s*\b(\w+)$/s
or $self->blurt("Error: invalid argument declaration '$ln'"), next;
# Check for duplicate definitions
$self->blurt("Error: duplicate definition of argument '$var_name' ignored"), next
if $self->{arg_list}->{$var_name}++
or defined $self->{argtype_seen}->{$var_name} and not $self->{processing_arg_with_types};
$self->{thisdone} |= $var_name eq "THIS";
$self->{retvaldone} |= $var_name eq "RETVAL";
$self->{var_types}->{$var_name} = $var_type;
# XXXX This check is a safeguard against the unfinished conversion of
# generate_init(). When generate_init() is fixed,
# one can use 2-args map_type() unconditionally.
my $printed_name;
if ($var_type =~ / \( \s* \* \s* \) /x) {
# Function pointers are not yet supported with output_init()!
print "\t" . map_type($self, $var_type, $var_name);
$printed_name = 1;
else {
print "\t" . map_type($self, $var_type, undef);
$printed_name = 0;
$self->{var_num} = $self->{args_match}->{$var_name};
if ($self->{var_num}) {
my $typemap = $self->{typemap}->get_typemap(ctype => $var_type);
$self->report_typemap_failure($self->{typemap}, $var_type, "death")
if not $typemap and not $is_overridden_typemap;
$self->{proto_arg}->[$self->{var_num}] = ($typemap && $typemap->proto) || "\$";
$self->{func_args} =~ s/\b($var_name)\b/&$1/ if $var_addr;
if ($var_init =~ /^[=;]\s*NO_INIT\s*;?\s*$/
or $self->{in_out}->{$var_name} and $self->{in_out}->{$var_name} =~ /^OUT/
and $var_init !~ /\S/) {
if ($printed_name) {
print ";\n";
else {
print "\t$var_name;\n";
elsif ($var_init =~ /\S/) {
output_init( {
type => $var_type,
num => $self->{var_num},
var => $var_name,
init => $var_init,
printed_name => $printed_name,
} );
elsif ($self->{var_num}) {
generate_init( {
type => $var_type,
num => $self->{var_num},
var => $var_name,
printed_name => $printed_name,
} );
else {
print ";\n";
sub OUTPUT_handler {
my $self = shift;
$self->{have_OUTPUT} = 1;
$_ = shift;
for (; !/^$self->{BLOCK_re}/o; $_ = shift(@{ $self->{line} })) {
next unless /\S/;
if (/^\s*SETMAGIC\s*:\s*(ENABLE|DISABLE)\s*/) {
$self->{DoSetMagic} = ($1 eq "ENABLE" ? 1 : 0);
my ($outarg, $outcode) = /^\s*(\S+)\s*(.*?)\s*$/s;
$self->blurt("Error: duplicate OUTPUT argument '$outarg' ignored"), next
if $self->{outargs}->{$outarg}++;
if (!$self->{gotRETVAL} and $outarg eq 'RETVAL') {
# deal with RETVAL last
$self->{RETVAL_code} = $outcode;
$self->{gotRETVAL} = 1;
$self->blurt("Error: OUTPUT $outarg not an argument"), next
unless defined($self->{args_match}->{$outarg});
$self->blurt("Error: No input definition for OUTPUT argument '$outarg' - ignored"), next
unless defined $self->{var_types}->{$outarg};
$self->{var_num} = $self->{args_match}->{$outarg};
if ($outcode) {
print "\t$outcode\n";
print "\tSvSETMAGIC(ST(" , $self->{var_num} - 1 , "));\n" if $self->{DoSetMagic};
else {
generate_output( {
type => $self->{var_types}->{$outarg},
num => $self->{var_num},
var => $outarg,
do_setmagic => $self->{DoSetMagic},
do_push => undef,
} );
delete $self->{in_out}->{$outarg} # No need to auto-OUTPUT
if exists $self->{in_out}->{$outarg} and $self->{in_out}->{$outarg} =~ /OUT$/;
sub C_ARGS_handler {
my $self = shift;
$_ = shift;
my $in = $self->merge_section();
$self->{func_args} = $in;
sub INTERFACE_MACRO_handler {
my $self = shift;
$_ = shift;
my $in = $self->merge_section();
if ($in =~ /\s/) { # two
($self->{interface_macro}, $self->{interface_macro_set}) = split ' ', $in;
else {
$self->{interface_macro} = $in;
$self->{interface_macro_set} = 'UNKNOWN_CVT'; # catch later
$self->{interface} = 1; # local
$self->{interfaces} = 1; # global
sub INTERFACE_handler {
my $self = shift;
$_ = shift;
my $in = $self->merge_section();
foreach (split /[\s,]+/, $in) {
my $iface_name = $_;
$iface_name =~ s/^$self->{Prefix}//;
$self->{Interfaces}->{$iface_name} = $_;
print Q(<<"EOF");
# XSFUNCTION = $self->{interface_macro}($self->{ret_type},cv,XSANY.any_dptr);
$self->{interface} = 1; # local
$self->{interfaces} = 1; # global
sub CLEANUP_handler {
my $self = shift;
sub PREINIT_handler {
my $self = shift;
sub POSTCALL_handler {
my $self = shift;
sub INIT_handler {
my $self = shift;
sub get_aliases {
my $self = shift;
my ($line) = @_;
my ($orig) = $line;
# Parse alias definitions
# format is
# alias = value alias = value ...
while ($line =~ s/^\s*([\w:]+)\s*=\s*(\w+)\s*//) {
my ($alias, $value) = ($1, $2);
my $orig_alias = $alias;
# check for optional package definition in the alias
$alias = $self->{Packprefix} . $alias if $alias !~ /::/;
# check for duplicate alias name & duplicate value
Warn( $self, "Warning: Ignoring duplicate alias '$orig_alias'")
if defined $self->{XsubAliases}->{$alias};
Warn( $self, "Warning: Aliases '$orig_alias' and '$self->{XsubAliasValues}->{$value}' have identical values")
if $self->{XsubAliasValues}->{$value};
$self->{xsubaliases} = 1;
$self->{XsubAliases}->{$alias} = $value;
$self->{XsubAliasValues}->{$value} = $orig_alias;
blurt( $self, "Error: Cannot parse ALIAS definitions from '$orig'")
if $line;
sub ATTRS_handler {
my $self = shift;
$_ = shift;
for (; !/^$self->{BLOCK_re}/o; $_ = shift(@{ $self->{line} })) {
next unless /\S/;
push @{ $self->{Attributes} }, $_;
sub ALIAS_handler {
my $self = shift;
$_ = shift;
for (; !/^$self->{BLOCK_re}/o; $_ = shift(@{ $self->{line} })) {
next unless /\S/;
$self->get_aliases($_) if $_;
sub OVERLOAD_handler {
my $self = shift;
$_ = shift;
for (; !/^$self->{BLOCK_re}/o; $_ = shift(@{ $self->{line} })) {
next unless /\S/;
while ( s/^\s*([\w:"\\)\+\-\*\/\%\<\>\.\&\|\^\!\~\{\}\=]+)\s*//) {
$self->{Overload} = 1 unless $self->{Overload};
my $overload = "$Package\::(".$1;
push(@{ $self->{InitFileCode} },
" (void)$self->{newXS}(\"$overload\", XS_$Full_func_name, file$self->{proto});\n");
sub FALLBACK_handler {
my $self = shift;
$_ = shift;
# the rest of the current line should contain either TRUE,
my %map = (
TRUE => "&PL_sv_yes", 1 => "&PL_sv_yes",
FALSE => "&PL_sv_no", 0 => "&PL_sv_no",
UNDEF => "&PL_sv_undef",
# check for valid FALLBACK value
$self->death("Error: FALLBACK: TRUE/FALSE/UNDEF") unless exists $map{uc $_};
$self->{Fallback} = $map{uc $_};
sub REQUIRE_handler {
my $self = shift;
# the rest of the current line should contain a version number
my $Ver = shift;
$self->death("Error: REQUIRE expects a version number")
unless $Ver;
# check that the version number is of the form n.n
$self->death("Error: REQUIRE: expected a number, got '$Ver'")
unless $Ver =~ /^\d+(\.\d*)?/;
$self->death("Error: xsubpp $Ver (or better) required--this is only $VERSION.")
unless $VERSION >= $Ver;
sub VERSIONCHECK_handler {
my $self = shift;
$_ = shift;
# the rest of the current line should contain either ENABLE or
# check for ENABLE/DISABLE
unless /^(ENABLE|DISABLE)/i;
$self->{WantVersionChk} = 1 if $1 eq 'ENABLE';
$self->{WantVersionChk} = 0 if $1 eq 'DISABLE';
sub PROTOTYPE_handler {
my $self = shift;
$_ = shift;
my $specified;
$self->death("Error: Only 1 PROTOTYPE definition allowed per xsub")
if $self->{proto_in_this_xsub}++;
for (; !/^$self->{BLOCK_re}/o; $_ = shift(@{ $self->{line} })) {
next unless /\S/;
$specified = 1;
if ($_ eq 'DISABLE') {
$self->{ProtoThisXSUB} = 0;
elsif ($_ eq 'ENABLE') {
$self->{ProtoThisXSUB} = 1;
else {
# remove any whitespace
$self->death("Error: Invalid prototype '$_'")
unless valid_proto_string($_);
$self->{ProtoThisXSUB} = C_string($_);
# If no prototype specified, then assume empty prototype ""
$self->{ProtoThisXSUB} = 2 unless $specified;
$self->{ProtoUsed} = 1;
sub SCOPE_handler {
my $self = shift;
$_ = shift;
$self->death("Error: Only 1 SCOPE declaration allowed per xsub")
if $self->{scope_in_this_xsub}++;
$self->death("Error: SCOPE: ENABLE/DISABLE")
unless /^(ENABLE|DISABLE)\b/i;
$self->{ScopeThisXSUB} = ( uc($1) eq 'ENABLE' );
sub PROTOTYPES_handler {
my $self = shift;
$_ = shift;
# the rest of the current line should contain either ENABLE or
# check for ENABLE/DISABLE
$self->death("Error: PROTOTYPES: ENABLE/DISABLE")
unless /^(ENABLE|DISABLE)/i;
$self->{WantPrototypes} = 1 if $1 eq 'ENABLE';
$self->{WantPrototypes} = 0 if $1 eq 'DISABLE';
$self->{ProtoUsed} = 1;
my $self = shift;
$_ = shift;
# the rest of the current line should contain either ENABLE or
# check for ENABLE/DISABLE
unless /^(ENABLE|DISABLE)/i;
my $xs_impl = $1 eq 'ENABLE' ? 'XS_EXTERNAL' : 'XS_INTERNAL';
print Q(<<"EOF");
##undef XS_EUPXS
## define XS_EUPXS(name) XS_EXTERNAL(name)
## define XS_EUPXS(name) XS_INTERNAL(name)
## define XS_EUPXS(name) $xs_impl(name)
sub PushXSStack {
my $self = shift;
my %args = @_;
# Save the current file context.
push(@{ $self->{XSStack} }, {
type => 'file',
LastLine => $self->{lastline},
LastLineNo => $self->{lastline_no},
Line => $self->{line},
LineNo => $self->{line_no},
Filename => $self->{filename},
Filepathname => $self->{filepathname},
Handle => $self->{FH},
IsPipe => scalar($self->{filename} =~ /\|\s*$/),
sub INCLUDE_handler {
my $self = shift;
$_ = shift;
# the rest of the current line should contain a valid filename
$self->death("INCLUDE: filename missing")
unless $_;
$self->death("INCLUDE: output pipe is illegal")
if /^\s*\|/;
# simple minded recursion detector
$self->death("INCLUDE loop detected")
if $self->{IncludedFiles}->{$_};
++$self->{IncludedFiles}->{$_} unless /\|\s*$/;
if (/\|\s*$/ && /^\s*perl\s/) {
Warn( $self, "The INCLUDE directive with a command is discouraged." .
" Use INCLUDE_COMMAND instead! In particular using 'perl'" .
" in an 'INCLUDE: ... |' directive is not guaranteed to pick" .
" up the correct perl. The INCLUDE_COMMAND directive allows" .
" the use of \$^X as the currently running perl, see" .
" 'perldoc perlxs' for details.");
$self->{FH} = Symbol::gensym();
# open the new file
open($self->{FH}, $_) or $self->death("Cannot open '$_': $!");
print Q(<<"EOF");
#/* INCLUDE: Including '$_' from '$self->{filename}' */
$self->{filename} = $_;
$self->{filepathname} = ( $^O =~ /^mswin/i )
? qq($self->{dir}/$self->{filename}) # See CPAN RT #61908: gcc doesn't like backslashes on win32?
: File::Spec->catfile($self->{dir}, $self->{filename});
# Prime the pump by reading the first
# non-blank line
# skip leading blank lines
while (readline($self->{FH})) {
last unless /^\s*$/;
$self->{lastline} = $_;
$self->{lastline_no} = $.;
sub QuoteArgs {
my $cmd = shift;
my @args = split /\s+/, $cmd;
$cmd = shift @args;
for (@args) {
$_ = q(").$_.q(") if !/^\"/ && length($_) > 0;
return join (' ', ($cmd, @args));
sub INCLUDE_COMMAND_handler {
my $self = shift;
$_ = shift;
# the rest of the current line should contain a valid command
$_ = QuoteArgs($_) if $^O eq 'VMS';
$self->death("INCLUDE_COMMAND: command missing")
unless $_;
$self->death("INCLUDE_COMMAND: pipes are illegal")
if /^\s*\|/ or /\|\s*$/;
$self->PushXSStack( IsPipe => 1 );
$self->{FH} = Symbol::gensym();
# If $^X is used in INCLUDE_COMMAND, we know it's supposed to be
# the same perl interpreter as we're currently running
# open the new file
open ($self->{FH}, "-|", $_)
or $self->death( $self, "Cannot run command '$_' to include its output: $!");
print Q(<<"EOF");
#/* INCLUDE_COMMAND: Including output of '$_' from '$self->{filename}' */
$self->{filename} = $_;
$self->{filepathname} = $self->{filename};
#$self->{filepathname} =~ s/\"/\\"/g; # Fails? See CPAN RT #53938: MinGW Broken after 2.21
$self->{filepathname} =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; # Works according to reporter of #53938
# Prime the pump by reading the first
# non-blank line
# skip leading blank lines
while (readline($self->{FH})) {
last unless /^\s*$/;
$self->{lastline} = $_;
$self->{lastline_no} = $.;
sub PopFile {
my $self = shift;
return 0 unless $self->{XSStack}->[-1]{type} eq 'file';
my $data = pop @{ $self->{XSStack} };
my $ThisFile = $self->{filename};
my $isPipe = $data->{IsPipe};
unless $isPipe;
close $self->{FH};
$self->{FH} = $data->{Handle};
# $filename is the leafname, which for some reason isused for diagnostic
# messages, whereas $filepathname is the full pathname, and is used for
# #line directives.
$self->{filename} = $data->{Filename};
$self->{filepathname} = $data->{Filepathname};
$self->{lastline} = $data->{LastLine};
$self->{lastline_no} = $data->{LastLineNo};
@{ $self->{line} } = @{ $data->{Line} };
@{ $self->{line_no} } = @{ $data->{LineNo} };
if ($isPipe and $? ) {
print STDERR "Error reading from pipe '$ThisFile': $! in $self->{filename}, line $self->{lastline_no}\n" ;
exit 1;
print Q(<<"EOF");
#/* INCLUDE: Returning to '$self->{filename}' from '$ThisFile' */
return 1;
sub Q {
my($text) = @_;
$text =~ s/^#//gm;
$text =~ s/\[\[/{/g;
$text =~ s/\]\]/}/g;
# Read next xsub into @{ $self->{line} } from ($lastline, readline($self->{FH})).
sub fetch_para {
my $self = shift;
# parse paragraph
$self->death("Error: Unterminated '#if/#ifdef/#ifndef'")
if !defined $self->{lastline} && $self->{XSStack}->[-1]{type} eq 'if';
@{ $self->{line} } = ();
@{ $self->{line_no} } = ();
return $self->PopFile() if !defined $self->{lastline};
if ($self->{lastline} =~
/^MODULE\s*=\s*([\w:]+)(?:\s+PACKAGE\s*=\s*([\w:]+))?(?:\s+PREFIX\s*=\s*(\S+))?\s*$/) {
my $Module = $1;
$Package = defined($2) ? $2 : ''; # keep -w happy
$self->{Prefix} = defined($3) ? $3 : ''; # keep -w happy
$self->{Prefix} = quotemeta $self->{Prefix};
($self->{Module_cname} = $Module) =~ s/\W/_/g;
($self->{Packid} = $Package) =~ tr/:/_/;
$self->{Packprefix} = $Package;
$self->{Packprefix} .= "::" if $self->{Packprefix} ne "";
$self->{lastline} = "";
for (;;) {
# Skip embedded PODs
while ($self->{lastline} =~ /^=/) {
while ($self->{lastline} = readline($self->{FH})) {
last if ($self->{lastline} =~ /^=cut\s*$/);
$self->death("Error: Unterminated pod") unless $self->{lastline};
$self->{lastline} = readline($self->{FH});
chomp $self->{lastline};
$self->{lastline} =~ s/^\s+$//;
# This chunk of code strips out (and parses) embedded TYPEMAP blocks
# which support a HEREdoc-alike block syntax.
# This is special cased from the usual paragraph-handler logic
# due to the HEREdoc-ish syntax.
if ($self->{lastline} =~ /^TYPEMAP\s*:\s*<<\s*(?:(["'])(.+?)\1|([^\s'"]+))\s*;?\s*$/) {
my $end_marker = quotemeta(defined($1) ? $2 : $3);
my @tmaplines;
while (1) {
$self->{lastline} = readline($self->{FH});
$self->death("Error: Unterminated typemap") if not defined $self->{lastline};
last if $self->{lastline} =~ /^$end_marker\s*$/;
push @tmaplines, $self->{lastline};
my $tmapcode = join "", @tmaplines;
my $tmap = ExtUtils::Typemaps->new(
string => $tmapcode,
lineno_offset => ($self->current_line_number()||0)+1,
fake_filename => $self->{filename},
$self->{typemap}->merge(typemap => $tmap, replace => 1);
$self->{lastline} = "";
if ($self->{lastline} !~ /^\s*#/ ||
# CPP directives:
# ANSI: if ifdef ifndef elif else endif define undef
# line error pragma
# gcc: warning include_next
# obj-c: import
# others: ident (gcc notes that some cpps have this one)
$self->{lastline} =~ /^#[ \t]*(?:(?:if|ifn?def|elif|else|endif|define|undef|pragma|error|warning|line\s+\d+|ident)\b|(?:include(?:_next)?|import)\s*["<].*[>"])/) {
last if $self->{lastline} =~ /^\S/ && @{ $self->{line} } && $self->{line}->[-1] eq "";
push(@{ $self->{line} }, $self->{lastline});
push(@{ $self->{line_no} }, $self->{lastline_no});
# Read next line and continuation lines
last unless defined($self->{lastline} = readline($self->{FH}));
$self->{lastline_no} = $.;
my $tmp_line;
$self->{lastline} .= $tmp_line
while ($self->{lastline} =~ /\\$/ && defined($tmp_line = readline($self->{FH})));
chomp $self->{lastline};
$self->{lastline} =~ s/^\s+$//;
pop(@{ $self->{line} }), pop(@{ $self->{line_no} }) while @{ $self->{line} } && $self->{line}->[-1] eq "";
sub output_init {
my $argsref = shift;
my ($type, $num, $var, $init, $printed_name) = (
my $arg = $num ? "ST(" . ($num - 1) . ")" : "/* not a parameter */";
if ( $init =~ /^=/ ) {
if ($printed_name) {
eval qq/print " $init\\n"/;
else {
eval qq/print "\\t$var $init\\n"/;
warn $@ if $@;
else {
if ( $init =~ s/^\+// && $num ) {
generate_init( {
type => $type,
num => $num,
var => $var,
printed_name => $printed_name,
} );
elsif ($printed_name) {
print ";\n";
$init =~ s/^;//;
else {
eval qq/print "\\t$var;\\n"/;
warn $@ if $@;
$init =~ s/^;//;
$self->{deferred} .= eval qq/"\\n\\t$init\\n"/;
warn $@ if $@;
sub generate_init {
my $argsref = shift;
my ($type, $num, $var, $printed_name) = (
my $arg = "ST(" . ($num - 1) . ")";
my ($argoff, $ntype);
$argoff = $num - 1;
my $typemaps = $self->{typemap};
$type = tidy_type($type);
$self->report_typemap_failure($typemaps, $type), return
unless $typemaps->get_typemap(ctype => $type);
($ntype = $type) =~ s/\s*\*/Ptr/g;
my $subtype;
($subtype = $ntype) =~ s/(?:Array)?(?:Ptr)?$//;
my $typem = $typemaps->get_typemap(ctype => $type);
my $xstype = $typem->xstype;
$xstype =~ s/OBJ$/REF/ if $func_name =~ /DESTROY$/;
if ($xstype eq 'T_PV' and exists $self->{lengthof}->{$var}) {
print "\t$var" unless $printed_name;
print " = ($type)SvPV($arg, STRLEN_length_of_$var);\n";
die "default value not supported with length(NAME) supplied"
if defined $self->{defaults}->{$var};
$type =~ tr/:/_/ unless $self->{hiertype};
my $inputmap = $typemaps->get_inputmap(xstype => $xstype);
$self->blurt("Error: No INPUT definition for type '$type', typekind '" . $type->xstype . "' found"), return
unless defined $inputmap;
my $expr = $inputmap->cleaned_code;
# Note: This gruesome bit either needs heavy rethinking or documentation. I vote for the former. --Steffen
if ($expr =~ /DO_ARRAY_ELEM/) {
my $subtypemap = $typemaps->get_typemap(ctype => $subtype);
$self->report_typemap_failure($typemaps, $subtype), return
if not $subtypemap;
my $subinputmap = $typemaps->get_inputmap(xstype => $subtypemap->xstype);
$self->blurt("Error: No INPUT definition for type '$subtype', typekind '" . $subtypemap->xstype . "' found"), return
unless $subinputmap;
my $subexpr = $subinputmap->cleaned_code;
$subexpr =~ s/\$type/\$subtype/g;
$subexpr =~ s/ntype/subtype/g;
$subexpr =~ s/\$arg/ST(ix_$var)/g;
$subexpr =~ s/\n\t/\n\t\t/g;
$subexpr =~ s/is not of (.*\")/[arg %d] is not of $1, ix_$var + 1/g;
$subexpr =~ s/\$var/${var}\[ix_$var - $argoff]/;
$expr =~ s/DO_ARRAY_ELEM/$subexpr/;
if ($expr =~ m#/\*.*scope.*\*/#i) { # "scope" in C comments
$self->{ScopeThisXSUB} = 1;
if (defined($self->{defaults}->{$var})) {
$expr =~ s/(\t+)/$1 /g;
$expr =~ s/ /\t/g;
if ($printed_name) {
print ";\n";
else {
eval qq/print "\\t$var;\\n"/;
warn $@ if $@;
if ($self->{defaults}->{$var} eq 'NO_INIT') {
$self->{deferred} .= eval qq/"\\n\\tif (items >= $num) {\\n$expr;\\n\\t}\\n"/;
else {
$self->{deferred} .= eval qq/"\\n\\tif (items < $num)\\n\\t $var = $self->{defaults}->{$var};\\n\\telse {\\n$expr;\\n\\t}\\n"/;
warn $@ if $@;
elsif ($self->{ScopeThisXSUB} or $expr !~ /^\s*\$var =/) {
if ($printed_name) {
print ";\n";
else {
eval qq/print "\\t$var;\\n"/;
warn $@ if $@;
$self->{deferred} .= eval qq/"\\n$expr;\\n"/;
warn $@ if $@;
else {
die "panic: do not know how to handle this branch for function pointers"
if $printed_name;
eval qq/print "$expr;\\n"/;
warn $@ if $@;
sub generate_output {
my $argsref = shift;
my ($type, $num, $var, $do_setmagic, $do_push) = (
my $arg = "ST(" . ($num - ($num != 0)) . ")";
my $ntype;
my $typemaps = $self->{typemap};
$type = tidy_type($type);
if ($type =~ /^array\(([^,]*),(.*)\)/) {
print "\t$arg = sv_newmortal();\n";
print "\tsv_setpvn($arg, (char *)$var, $2 * sizeof($1));\n";
print "\tSvSETMAGIC($arg);\n" if $do_setmagic;
else {
my $typemap = $typemaps->get_typemap(ctype => $type);
$self->report_typemap_failure($typemaps, $type), return
if not $typemap;
my $outputmap = $typemaps->get_outputmap(xstype => $typemap->xstype);
$self->blurt("Error: No OUTPUT definition for type '$type', typekind '" . $typemap->xstype . "' found"), return
unless $outputmap;
($ntype = $type) =~ s/\s*\*/Ptr/g;
$ntype =~ s/\(\)//g;
my $subtype;
($subtype = $ntype) =~ s/(?:Array)?(?:Ptr)?$//;
my $expr = $outputmap->cleaned_code;
if ($expr =~ /DO_ARRAY_ELEM/) {
my $subtypemap = $typemaps->get_typemap(ctype => $subtype);
$self->report_typemap_failure($typemaps, $subtype), return
if not $subtypemap;
my $suboutputmap = $typemaps->get_outputmap(xstype => $subtypemap->xstype);
$self->blurt("Error: No OUTPUT definition for type '$subtype', typekind '" . $subtypemap->xstype . "' found"), return
unless $suboutputmap;
my $subexpr = $suboutputmap->cleaned_code;
$subexpr =~ s/ntype/subtype/g;
$subexpr =~ s/\$arg/ST(ix_$var)/g;
$subexpr =~ s/\$var/${var}\[ix_$var]/g;
$subexpr =~ s/\n\t/\n\t\t/g;
$expr =~ s/DO_ARRAY_ELEM\n/$subexpr/;
eval "print qq\a$expr\a";
warn $@ if $@;
print "\t\tSvSETMAGIC(ST(ix_$var));\n" if $do_setmagic;
elsif ($var eq 'RETVAL') {
if ($expr =~ /^\t\$arg = new/) {
# We expect that $arg has refcnt 1, so we need to
# mortalize it.
eval "print qq\a$expr\a";
warn $@ if $@;
print "\tsv_2mortal(ST($num));\n";
print "\tSvSETMAGIC(ST($num));\n" if $do_setmagic;
elsif ($expr =~ /^\s*\$arg\s*=/) {
# We expect that $arg has refcnt >=1, so we need
# to mortalize it!
eval "print qq\a$expr\a";
warn $@ if $@;
print "\tsv_2mortal(ST(0));\n";
print "\tSvSETMAGIC(ST(0));\n" if $do_setmagic;
else {
# Just hope that the entry would safely write it
# over an already mortalized value. By
# coincidence, something like $arg = &sv_undef
# works too.
print "\tST(0) = sv_newmortal();\n";
eval "print qq\a$expr\a";
warn $@ if $@;
# new mortals don't have set magic
elsif ($do_push) {
print "\tPUSHs(sv_newmortal());\n";
$arg = "ST($num)";
eval "print qq\a$expr\a";
warn $@ if $@;
print "\tSvSETMAGIC($arg);\n" if $do_setmagic;
elsif ($arg =~ /^ST\(\d+\)$/) {
eval "print qq\a$expr\a";
warn $@ if $@;
print "\tSvSETMAGIC($arg);\n" if $do_setmagic;
# vim: ts=2 sw=2 et: