% Copyright (C) 2001-2018 Artifex Software, Inc.
% All Rights Reserved.
% This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
% implied.
% This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,
% modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms
% of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution.
% Refer to licensing information at http://www.artifex.com or contact
% Artifex Software, Inc., 1305 Grant Avenue - Suite 200, Novato,
% CA 94945, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information.
% FCO_Wingdings Decoding
% Maps PS and TT names to Unicode UTF-16.
/FCO_Wingdings % resource name
230 % tokens
/ParseDecoding /ProcSet findresource /Parse get exec
% Generated for FCO from Wingdings encoding with adding F000
% since MTFONTS/PS3/MT3/ps3___xh.fco wants so.
16#0020 space % Note : UFST uses 0x20 when others are 0xF0**.
16#F021 pencil
16#F022 scissors
16#F023 scissorscutting
16#F024 readingglasses
16#F025 bell
16#F026 book
16#F027 candle
16#F028 telephonesolid
16#F029 telhandsetcirc
16#F02A envelopeback
16#F02B envelopefront
16#F02C mailboxflagdwn
16#F02D mailboxflagup
16#F02E mailbxopnflgup
16#F02F mailbxopnflgdwn
16#F030 folder
16#F031 folderopen
16#F032 filetalltext1
16#F033 filetalltext
16#F034 filetalltext3
16#F035 filecabinet
16#F036 hourglass
16#F037 keyboard
16#F038 mouse2button
16#F039 ballpoint
16#F03A pc
16#F03B harddisk
16#F03C floppy3
16#F03D floppy5
16#F03E tapereel
16#F03F handwrite
16#F040 handwriteleft
16#F041 handv
16#F042 handok
16#F043 thumbup
16#F044 thumbdown
16#F045 handptleft
16#F046 handptright
16#F047 handptup
16#F048 handptdwn
16#F049 handhalt
16#F04A smileface
16#F04B neutralface
16#F04C frownface
16#F04D bomb
16#F04E skullcrossbones
16#F04F flag
16#F050 pennant
16#F051 airplane
16#F052 sunshine
16#F053 droplet
16#F054 snowflake
16#F055 crossoutline
16#F056 crossshadow
16#F057 crossceltic
16#F058 crossmaltese
16#F059 starofdavid
16#F05A crescentstar
16#F05B yinyang
16#F05C om
16#F05D wheel
16#F05E aries
16#F05F taurus
16#F060 gemini
16#F061 cancer
16#F062 leo
16#F063 virgo
16#F064 libra
16#F065 scorpio
16#F066 saggitarius
16#F067 capricorn
16#F068 aquarius
16#F069 pisces
16#F06A ampersanditlc
16#F06B ampersandit
16#F06C circle6
16#F06D circleshadowdwn
16#F06E square6
16#F06F box3
16#F070 box4
16#F071 boxshadowdwn
16#F072 boxshadowup
16#F073 lozenge4
16#F074 lozenge6
16#F075 rhombus6
16#F076 xrhombus
16#F077 rhombus4
16#F078 clear
16#F079 escape
16#F07A command
16#F07B rosette
16#F07C rosettesolid
16#F07D quotedbllftbld
16#F07E quotedblrtbld
16#F080 zerosans
16#F081 onesans
16#F082 twosans
16#F083 threesans
16#F084 foursans
16#F085 fivesans
16#F086 sixsans
16#F087 sevensans
16#F088 eightsans
16#F089 ninesans
16#F08A tensans
16#F08B zerosansinv
16#F08C onesansinv
16#F08D twosansinv
16#F08E threesansinv
16#F08F foursansinv
16#F090 fivesansinv
16#F091 sixsansinv
16#F092 sevensansinv
16#F093 eightsansinv
16#F094 ninesansinv
16#F095 tensansinv
16#F096 budleafne
16#F097 budleafnw
16#F098 budleafsw
16#F099 budleafse
16#F09A vineleafboldne
16#F09B vineleafboldnw
16#F09C vineleafboldsw
16#F09D vineleafboldse
16#F09E circle2
16#F09F circle4
16#F0A0 square2
16#F0A1 ring2
16#F0A2 ring4
16#F0A3 ring6
16#F0A4 ringbutton2
16#F0A5 target
16#F0A6 circleshadowup
16#F0A7 square4
16#F0A8 box2
16#F0A9 tristar2
16#F0AA crosstar2
16#F0AB pentastar2
16#F0AC hexstar2
16#F0AD octastar2
16#F0AE dodecastar3
16#F0AF octastar4
16#F0B0 registersquare
16#F0B1 registercircle
16#F0B2 cuspopen
16#F0B3 cuspopen1
16#F0B4 query
16#F0B5 circlestar
16#F0B6 starshadow
16#F0B7 oneoclock
16#F0B8 twooclock
16#F0B9 threeoclock
16#F0BA fouroclock
16#F0BB fiveoclock
16#F0BC sixoclock
16#F0BD sevenoclock
16#F0BE eightoclock
16#F0BF nineoclock
16#F0C0 tenoclock
16#F0C1 elevenoclock
16#F0C2 twelveoclock
16#F0C3 arrowdwnleft1
16#F0C4 arrowdwnrt1
16#F0C5 arrowupleft1
16#F0C6 arrowuprt1
16#F0C7 arrowleftup1
16#F0C8 arrowrtup1
16#F0C9 arrowleftdwn1
16#F0CA arrowrtdwn1
16#F0CB quiltsquare2
16#F0CC quiltsquare2inv
16#F0CD leafccwsw
16#F0CE leafccwnw
16#F0CF leafccwse
16#F0D0 leafccwne
16#F0D1 leafnw
16#F0D2 leafsw
16#F0D3 leafne
16#F0D4 leafse
16#F0D5 deleteleft
16#F0D6 deleteright
16#F0D7 head2left
16#F0D8 head2right
16#F0D9 head2up
16#F0DA head2down
16#F0DB circleleft
16#F0DC circleright
16#F0DD circleup
16#F0DE circledown
16#F0DF barb2left
16#F0E0 barb2right
16#F0E1 barb2up
16#F0E2 barb2down
16#F0E3 barb2nw
16#F0E4 barb2ne
16#F0E5 barb2sw
16#F0E6 barb2se
16#F0E7 barb4left
16#F0E8 barb4right
16#F0E9 barb4up
16#F0EA barb4down
16#F0EB barb4nw
16#F0EC barb4ne
16#F0ED barb4sw
16#F0EE barb4se
16#F0EF bleft
16#F0F0 bright
16#F0F1 bup
16#F0F2 bdown
16#F0F3 bleftright
16#F0F4 bupdown
16#F0F5 bnw
16#F0F6 bne
16#F0F7 bsw
16#F0F8 bse
16#F0F9 bdash1
16#F0FA bdash2
16#F0FB xmarkbld
16#F0FC checkbld
16#F0FD boxxmarkbld
16#F0FE boxcheckbld
16#F0FF windowslogo