#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Can't use Test.pm, that's a 5.005 thing.
package My::Test;
if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
chdir 't';
@INC = '../lib';
require Test::Builder;
my $TB = Test::Builder->create();
package main;
use Cwd;
use File::Spec;
my $Orig_Dir = cwd;
my $Perl = File::Spec->rel2abs($^X);
if( $^O eq 'VMS' ) {
# VMS can't use its own $^X in a system call until almost 5.8
$Perl = "MCR $^X" if $] < 5.007003;
# Quiet noisy 'SYS$ABORT'
$Perl .= q{ -"I../lib"} if $ENV{PERL_CORE};
$Perl .= q{ -"Mvmsish=hushed"};
eval { require POSIX; &POSIX::WEXITSTATUS(0) };
if( $@ ) {
*exitstatus = sub { $_[0] >> 8 };
else {
*exitstatus = sub { POSIX::WEXITSTATUS($_[0]) }
# Some OS' will alter the exit code to their own native sense...
# sometimes. Rather than deal with the exception we'll just
# build up the mapping.
print "# Building up a map of exit codes. May take a while.\n";
my %Exit_Map;
open my $fh, ">", "exit_map_test" or die $!;
print $fh <<'DONE';
if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
require vmsish;
import vmsish qw(hushed);
my $exit = shift;
print "exit $exit\n";
END { $? = $exit };
close $fh;
END { 1 while unlink "exit_map_test" }
for my $exit (0..255) {
# This correctly emulates Test::Builder's behavior.
my $out = qx[$Perl exit_map_test $exit];
$TB->like( $out, qr/^exit $exit\n/, "exit map test for $exit" );
$Exit_Map{$exit} = exitstatus($?);
print "# Done.\n";
my %Tests = (
# File Exit Code
'success.plx' => 0,
'one_fail.plx' => 1,
'two_fail.plx' => 2,
'five_fail.plx' => 5,
'extras.plx' => 2,
'too_few.plx' => 255,
'too_few_fail.plx' => 2,
'death.plx' => 255,
'last_minute_death.plx' => 255,
'pre_plan_death.plx' => 'not zero',
'death_in_eval.plx' => 0,
'require.plx' => 0,
'death_with_handler.plx' => 255,
'exit.plx' => 1,
chdir 't';
my $lib = File::Spec->catdir(qw(lib Test Simple sample_tests));
while( my($test_name, $exit_code) = each %Tests ) {
my $file = File::Spec->catfile($lib, $test_name);
my $wait_stat = system(qq{$Perl -"I../blib/lib" -"I../lib" -"I../t/lib" $file});
my $actual_exit = exitstatus($wait_stat);
if( $exit_code eq 'not zero' ) {
$TB->isnt_num( $actual_exit, $Exit_Map{0},
"$test_name exited with $actual_exit ".
"(expected non-zero)");
else {
$TB->is_num( $actual_exit, $Exit_Map{$exit_code},
"$test_name exited with $actual_exit ".
"(expected $Exit_Map{$exit_code})");
$TB->done_testing( scalar keys(%Tests) + 256 );
# So any END block file cleanup works.
chdir $Orig_Dir;