;;; Compiled by mockbuild@buildfarm04-new.corp.cloudlinux.com on Tue Jul 30 09:13:05 2024
;;; from file /builddir/build/BUILD/git-
;;; in Emacs version 24.3.1
;;; with all optimizations.
;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.
;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.
(byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306\307%\210\310\307\311\312\306\313\314\315&\210\316\317\320\321\322\323\306\307&\210\316\324\325\326\306\307%\210\316\327\330\331\306\307%\207" [require format-spec custom-declare-face git-blame-prefix-face ((((background dark)) (:foreground "gray" :background "black")) (((background light)) (:foreground "gray" :background "white")) (t (:weight bold))) "The face used for the hash prefix." :group git-blame custom-declare-group nil "A minor mode showing Git blame information." git :link (function-link git-blame-mode) custom-declare-variable git-blame-use-colors t "Use colors to indicate commits in `git-blame-mode'." :type boolean git-blame-prefix-format "%h %20A:" "The format of the prefix added to each line in `git-blame'\nmode. The format is passed to `format-spec' with the following format keys:\n\n %h - the abbreviated hash\n %H - the full hash\n %a - the author name\n %A - the author email\n %c - the committer name\n %C - the committer email\n %s - the commit summary\n" git-blame-mouseover-format "%h %a %A: %s" "The format of the description shown when pointing at a line in\n`git-blame' mode. The format string is passed to `format-spec'\nwith the following format keys:\n\n %h - the abbreviated hash\n %H - the full hash\n %a - the author name\n %A - the author email\n %c - the committer name\n %C - the committer email\n %s - the commit summary\n"] 8)
#@120 Given a list, returns a list of triples formed with each
elements of the list.
a b => bbb bba bab baa abb aba aaa aab
(defalias 'git-blame-color-scale #[(&rest elements) "\306 \306\211\203C @ \306\211\203; @ \306\211\2033 @\307\310\n\f
$BA\211\204 *A\211\204 *A\211\204\n *)\207" [result elements a --dolist-tail-- b c nil format "#%s%s%s"] 6 (#$ . 1998)])
#@85 Select a random element from L and returns it. Also remove
selected element from l.
(defalias 'git-blame-random-pop '(macro . #[(l) "\301\302\303\304\305DDEDC\306\307\302EE\310BBB\207" [l let e elt random length setq remove (e)] 7 (#$ . 2386)]))
#@196 *Formatting option used for describing current line in the minibuffer.
This option is used to pass to git log --pretty= command-line option,
and describe which commit the current line was made.
(defvar git-blame-log-oneline-format "format:[%cr] %cn: %s" (#$ . -2643))
#@139 *List of colors (format #RGB) to use in a dark environment.
To check out the list, evaluate (list-colors-display git-blame-dark-colors).
(defvar git-blame-dark-colors (git-blame-color-scale "0c" "04" "24" "1c" "2c" "34" "14" "3c") (#$ . -2919))
#@141 *List of colors (format #RGB) to use in a light environment.
To check out the list, evaluate (list-colors-display git-blame-light-colors).
(defvar git-blame-light-colors (git-blame-color-scale "c4" "d4" "cc" "dc" "f4" "e4" "fc" "ec") (#$ . -3172))
#@88 Colors used by git-blame. The list is built once when activating git-blame
minor mode.
(defvar git-blame-colors nil (#$ . 3427))
#@39 *Color to be used for ancient commit.
(defvar git-blame-ancient-color "dark green" (#$ . -3562))
#@55 *Automatically update the blame display while editing
(defvar git-blame-autoupdate t (#$ . -3665))
#@31 The running git-blame process
(defvar git-blame-proc nil (#$ . 3770))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'git-blame-proc)
#@52 The git-blame overlays used in the current buffer.
(defvar git-blame-overlays nil (#$ . 3891))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'git-blame-overlays)
#@57 A cache of git-blame information for the current buffer
(defvar git-blame-cache nil (#$ . 4041))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'git-blame-cache)
#@38 An idle timer that updates the blame
(defvar git-blame-idle-timer nil (#$ . 4190))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'git-blame-cache)
#@28 A queue of update requests
(defvar git-blame-update-queue nil (#$ . 4325))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'git-blame-update-queue)
(defvar git-blame-file nil)
(defvar git-blame-current nil)
(defvar git-blame-mode nil)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'git-blame-mode)
#@62 String to display on the mode line when git-blame is active.
(defvar git-blame-mode-line-string " blame" (#$ . 4591))
(byte-code "\301\236\204\n \302B\301\207" [minor-mode-alist git-blame-mode (git-blame-mode git-blame-mode-line-string)] 2)
#@99 Toggle minor mode for displaying Git blame
With prefix ARG, turn the mode on if ARG is positive.
(defalias 'git-blame-mode #[(&optional arg) "\204 \203 \302 \207\303 \207\304!\305V\203 \303 \207\302 \207" [arg git-blame-mode git-blame-mode-off git-blame-mode-on prefix-numeric-value 0] 2 (#$ . 4841) "P"])
#@62 Turn on git-blame mode.
See also function `git-blame-mode'.
(defalias 'git-blame-mode-on #[nil "\306\303!\210\203 \307\310\311\312\313$\210\202 \314\310\311\313#\210\315 \210\316\317\320 \"A\211\321=\203- \n\202/ \f)\322\323\324\"\313\325 \207" [git-blame-autoupdate bgmode git-blame-dark-colors git-blame-colors git-blame-light-colors git-blame-cache make-local-variable add-hook after-change-functions git-blame-after-change nil t remove-hook git-blame-cleanup assoc background-mode frame-parameters dark make-hash-table :test equal git-blame-run git-blame-mode] 6 (#$ . 5160)])
#@63 Turn off git-blame mode.
See also function `git-blame-mode'.
(defalias 'git-blame-mode-off #[nil "\302 \210\203 \303!\210\304\211\207" [git-blame-idle-timer git-blame-mode git-blame-cleanup cancel-timer nil] 2 (#$ . 5757)])
#@57 Recalculate all blame information in the current buffer
(defalias 'git-reblame #[nil "\204 \301\302!\210\303 \210\304 \207" [git-blame-mode error "Git-blame is not active" git-blame-cleanup git-blame-run] 2 (#$ . 5992) nil])
(defalias 'git-blame-run #[(&optional startline endline) "\203 \306\307!\207p\310\311\312 P!\313\f\203\" |